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Discord server

A Basic Discord Bot written in JS.

Bootstrapped from

A special mention to the discordjs community accessible for answering queries over on Discord.

The bot is accessible in the Danbot Staging discord channel accessible here.

Commands & Additional Features

Helpful Commands

Command Description
!commands List all available commands
!help Basic info on using the bot
!ping Get latency information
!purge Delete the bots last message(s) from all chats

User Control

Command Description
!ban Ban a player
!kick Kick a user
!userinfo Get information about a user
!whitelist List whitelisted users for shouting out when live on Twitch
!whitelistadd Delete a Twitch username from the going-live whitelist
!whitelistdelete Delete a Twitch username from the going-live whitelist

Playback Control

Command Description
!nowplaying Get the song that is playing
!play Play a song in your active audio channel e.g. -play some song OR -play youtube-url
!queue Shows the current song queue
!skip Skip a song
!stop Stop all songs in the queue

Fun Commands

Command Description
!8ball Ask the 8ball your question e.g. !8ball will tomorrow be sunny?
!gif Shows a random gif from giphy (general audience rated)
!cat Return a random cat image
!duck Return a random duck image
!dadjoke If you want to hear some terrible jokes
!fortune Open a fortune cookie

Twitch Integration

πŸ”΄ Now Live

The bot can provide going live messages for whitelisted users.

  • NOWLIVE_ANNOUNCEMENTS_ID controls the channel where live twitch channels are now active

In order to maintain a dynamic updatable whitelist integration with Google Sheets is required.
This can be configured through the following env variables.


To get setup with a google service account follow the official guidelines. Be sure to share your Google Spreadsheet to your GOGOEL_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL to avoid hitting 401/403 errors.

Note: the bot is currently configured to poll Twitch API on a 3 minute interval (defined by the TWITCH_POLLING_FREQUENCY environmental variable so there may be a delay between the time a user goes live and a message is shown. If interested a potential alternative to this implementation is using Twitchs pub/sub system.

🎬 YouTube Uploads

The bot can provide YouTube channel video upload notifications for a designated YouTube account.

  • YOUTUBE_CHANNEL_ID points to the YouTube channel you wish to poll uploaded videos from.
  • YOUTUBE_POLLING_FREQUENCY designates the frequency of the YouTube polls set to 60minutes by default
  • YOUTUBE_ANNOUNCEMENTS_ID designates the text channel to post updates to

Local Setup

Install & Run

Using npm during development, should also run fine on npm

npm install
npm start

You can also leverage the included docker-compose file to run a local docker image on port 8000

docker-compose up -d

Environmental Variables

The following is a list of environmental variables that need to be defined. A .env config file can be added to run the project locally.

# Discord Bot settings

# The Cat API Key

# Giphy Keys

# Twitch Config

# YouTube Config

# Channels

# Whitelisted Channels

# YouTube Details

Discord Bot Variables

For Discord Bot settings (BOT_PREFIX, BOT_TOKEN) - check out the handy discordpy docs on how to set up your own Bot application.
The EMBED_COLORS variable is a HEX color used for determining the color of message embeds (cards) sent by the Bot.

  • For WELCOME_CHANNEL you need to specify a channel name within your discord server to use for new user addition welcome.
  • For NOWLIVE_ANNOUNCEMENTS_ID see the official Discord docs on how to get a specific channels channel-id
  • For PLAYLIST_CHANNEL and PLAYLIST_VOICE_CHANNEL_ID see the official Discord docs on how to get a specific voice channels channel-id
  • For PLAYLIST_TEXT_CHANNEL and PLAYLIST_TEXT_CHANNEL_ID see the official Discord docs on how to get a specific test channels channel-id
  • For YOUTUBE_ANNOUNCEMENTS_ID see the official Discord docs on how to get a specific test channels channel-id

Getting API Keys

Audio Dependencies

You need ffmpeg installed on your device to successfully have the bot join and translate youtube to audio files.
You can get the downloadable executables from here and should copy the relevant .exe file into this projects directory.

Without it you are likely to encounter the following Error when running any of the playback commands.

Error: FFmpeg/avconv not found!

Production Deployment [Azure]

Build Image & Deploy to Azure Container Registry

# build image
docker build -t .

# login to docker - credentials are under the container registry -> access keys -> (admin user enabled)
docker login

# push image to docker registry
docker push

Create Azure Container Instance

Create a Container Instance via Azure dashboard and link to the relevant ACR image for deployment


Logs accessible via Azure Dashboard (or via az cli tooling)

Production Deployment [Heroku]

The Bot is currently configured for deployment on Heroku (as an initial free hosting solution). There is a nice medium article on how to deploy your own.

As we are using a .env file to generate global environmental variables, we need to be sure to copy and paste these values into the applications 'Config Vars' on the Heroku dashboard.

In order to workaround the audio dependencies issues I am trailing the use of .buildpacks to use Note the ordering of buildpacks is important on your Heroku dashboard, the ffmpeg should be ran first, followed by the nodejs buildpack.

Currently the repo is configured to redeploy the app with any pushes made to the master branch. In order to review production logs you need to download & install the heroku cli tooling.

heroku login
heroku logs -a danbot2020 -t

The current bot url is currently accessible at with a /health endpoint that returns a 200 OK response. Note that you need to add your hosting URL as a valid OAuth Redirect URL entry on your registered Twitch application.

Want to temporarily turn off/on the bot?

# scale down
heroku ps:scale web=0 -a danbot2020
# scale up
heroku ps:scale web=1 -a danbot2020


πŸ€– Discord Bot







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