Python module to reduce your brain load while accessing FreeSurfer brain surface meshes and morphometry data files for single subjects and groups. Also provides some quality control functions, feature extraction from whole brain segmentations, parcellations and morphometry data.
This is my personal collection of Python/numpy functions for (structural) neuroimaging. It's free software published under the MIT license. It uses nibabel to read individual files.
You are free to use this, but it should not be considered an officially maintained project with a clear roadmap and a professional API.
provides a simple high-level interface to access FreeSurfer neuroimaging data in python. It is intended for developers and scientists who need to access neuroimaging data for their research.
makes use of the standard output file name patterns of the FreeSurfer pre-processing pipeline (i.e., recon-all
) to find the respective files and then uses nibabel to open them. It provides an easy-to-use functional interface to neuroimaging data on multiple levels, from accessing individual files to loading group data for a directory filled with hundreds of subjects.
can parse and compute brain descriptors from FreeSurfer statistics files and pre-processed image files (brain segmentations, parcellations, morphometry data files, ...) and store them in CSV format for machine learning.
This has been in alpha stage and ready for usage since December 10, 2018. The API is not 100% stable yet, be prepared for minor changes in the future.
- Load FreeSurfer meshes (like
) and/or morphometry data (likelh.area
) for a single subject or groups of subjects - Determine which subjects to load for a study directory full of subjects (FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR) based on one of the following:
- A subjects file or demographics file in text format as commonly used in neuroimaging (can be just a list of subjects directories or a CSV file that includes other data for each subject in additional rows)
- A custom list of subject names (you can get this by whatever means necessary, e.g., from a database query, the internet or whatever)
- Auto-detect all valid FreeSurfer subject directories within the SUBJECTS_DIR
- Uses knowledge on the standard FreeSurfer directory structure, file names and file extensions so you do not have to specify the full path to files (e.g., it knows that the pial surface for a subject is stored in
for the two hemispheres). If you prefer to specify everything manually, that is also possible of course. - Support for loading annotations (brain atlases, e.g.,
) and labels (surface patches, e.g.,lh.cortex.label
). - Support for loading statistical information from FreeSurfer stats files (e.g., total brain volume, average thickness, total surface area for subjects from
or atlas-specific information from files likelh.aparc.stats
). - Can export brain meshes to standard 3D modeling software formats (e.g. OBJ and PLY formats, for advanced visualization). With matplotlib installed, you can even export vertex-colored meshes using any matplotlib colormap.
- Good documentation
- A suite of unit tests with high test coverage
- Very permissive license
Here are some example usages that load brain surface data. See the API documentation for more examples.
import brainload as bl
subject_id = 'bert'
vert_coords, faces, per_vertex_data, meta_data = bl.subject(subject_id, surf='pial', measure='area')
Now you have the brain surface mesh (defined by vert_coords
and faces
) and the morphometry data from the curv file in per_vertex_data
. The meta_data
holds information like the subject id and the full paths of the files that were used to retrieve the data. The subject
function uses the environment variable SUBJECTS_DIR
to determine where your data is. You can override that (and change many other things via optional named arguments), of course.
Note that the data we retrieved in the example above is in native space. You may want to retrieve standard space data, i.e., subject data mapped to an average subject like FreeSurfer's fsaverage
subject, instead. Here is an example for that:
Load the fsaverage brain mesh and morphometry data for a single subject that has been mapped to fsaverage
import brainload as bl
subject_id = 'bert'
vert_coords, faces, per_vertex_data, meta_data = bl.subject_avg(subject_id, surf='white', display_surf='inflated', measure='area')
This time, the mesh you get is the inflated surface of the fsaverage
subject (since that is the default for the named parameter average_subject
, which we omitted in the example above). The per_vertex_data
represents the area data for the white matter surface of your subject, mapped to the vertices of the average subject and ready for group comparison.
import brainload as bl
group_data, group_data_subjects, group_meta_data, run_meta_data ='area', fwhm='15', surf='pial', hemi='lh')
print group_data.shape # will print '(260, 163842)' if your SUBJECTS_DIR contains 260 subjects. Note that 163842 is the number of vertices of the left hemisphere of the 'fsaverage' subject in FreeSurfer.
This will load the standard space area data for all subjects in the SUBJECTS_DIR. Of course, you could specify more settings instead of using the defaults, e.g., if you used an average subject that is not fsaverage. And you can always see which files and settings were used under the hood:
# continued from last code sample
print group_meta_data['subject1']['lh.morphometry_file'] # will print SUBJECTS_DIR/subject1/surf/lh.area.pial.fwhm15.fsaverage.mgh
print group_meta_data['subject1']['hemi'] # will print 'lh'
Whatever function you used, you can now use the data for statistical analysis in python, e.g., using Pandas, Statsmodels, or whatever you prefer. You could also load the mesh into PyMesh and mess with it.
Brainload is fully documented. The full API documentation and some workflow examples can be found here:
Make sure you have Python 3 and pip for it.
pip install --user brainload
You can also install into a virtual environment (python2: virtualenv, python3: virtualenv or the integrated venv) of course, omit the --user
part in that case:
python -m virtualenv brainload_env
source brainload_env/bin/activate
pip install brainload
Both source and wheel packages are also available here in the brainload releases section at GitHub, but you should not need them.
I started building conda packages for different operating systems, check to see whether one is available for yours. In case it is:
conda install -c dfspspirit brainload
If it is not, you can use the recipe in this repo to build it yourself, see README_DEVELOPMENT.
Brainload works on both Python 2 and Python 3. You can see all supported versions in the .travis.yml
file in this directory.
Brainload loads (and in very few cases writes) files in standard neuroimaging formats (nifti, mgh/mgz) and does not introduce any new file formats, so you can use any standard viewer for the data. All the standard neuroimaging software packages come with a viewer, and most people will have several viewers installed anyways I guess. Examples include fsleyes
from FSL, freeview
that is included with FreeSurfer, or the stand-alone viewer 3DSlicer
To visualize directly in Python, e.g. for debugging while developing a script, or in an interactive jupyter notebook, there are different options, usually based on matplotlib (2D) and mayavi (3D):
- If you are interesting in a full solution that can provide output in publication quality, I suggest you have a look at PySurfer. The project is mature and works great.
- While
itself does not care about visualization, I am working on the brainview package that is designed to visualize morphometry data in 3D on brain surfaces. The goal is to provide an easy-to-use interface to quickly visualize data loaded withbrainload
or any other tool. The module will only provide basic visualization functions intended for live inspection of your data though.
The brainload module is designed to work on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data that has been pre-processed with the popular FreeSurfer software suite.
If you do not have your MRI data / FreeSurfer output at hand but still want to try brainload
, you could use the bert
example subject that comes with FreeSurfer.
Tests and test data are not shipped in the releases, see the file README_DEVELOPMENT for instructions on installing the development version and running the tests.
Alternatives to brainload
- If you want a full brain visualization package for Python that allows you to plot morphometry data in various ways, you may want to have a look at PySurfer instead.
- You could also use the
modules from nibabel directly and open the FreeSurfer files yourself. (Most likely you would end up with boilerplate that is pretty similar tobrainload
Less related but still useful:
- If you want a full python interface that wraps the command line utilities of various existing neuroimaging software (FSL, FreeSurfer, ...) and allows you to create a full neuroimaging pipeline, you should definitely have a look at nipype.
- I highly recommend that you have a look at some of the great neuroimaging tools for Python at
Brainload is free software, released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.
Schäfer, T. Brainload: Working with FreeSurfer neuroimaging data in Python, 2018-, [Online; accessed 2019-10-17].
Here’s an example of a BibTeX entry:
author = {Tim Schäfer},
title = {{Brainload}: Working with {FreeSurfer} neuroimaging data in {Python}},
year = {2018--},
url = "",
note = {[Online; accessed <today>]}