DSMovie is a simple web application that provides a movie catalog and allows users to rate the available movies.
This project has been developed with the following technologies:
The instructions below are intended to be a quick start guide. For more details please visit this repository.
In order to run this project locally the following software must be installed on your machine:
Follow the steps below to set up and run the project:
$ git clone https://github.com/diegovinci/dsmovie.git
Set up a PostgreSQL database
$ docker run --name dsmovie-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=1234567 -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
$ docker start dsmovie-postgres
Set up the database structure and populate it
# The database structure can be created manually using the commands below or it can be generated
# automatically by Spring Data JPA after running the backend application for the first time.
CREATE TABLE tb_movie (
id int8 generated BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY,
COUNT int4,
image VARCHAR(255),
score FLOAT8,
title VARCHAR(255),
PRIMARY key (id)
CREATE TABLE tb_score (
movie_id int8 NOT NULL,
user_id int8 NOT NULL,
PRIMARY key (movie_id, user_id)
CREATE TABLE tb_user (
id int8 generated BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY,
email VARCHAR(255),
PRIMARY key (id)
ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS tb_score ADD CONSTRAINT FK23yhb6qop0f6hnb72hcorm3cv FOREIGN key (movie_id) REFERENCES tb_movie;
ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS tb_score ADD CONSTRAINT FKl8lgmbrjoav0thqqtqx6vrr4k FOREIGN key (user_id) REFERENCES tb_user;
# Database seed
INSERT INTO tb_user(email) VALUES ('maria@gmail.com');
INSERT INTO tb_user(email) VALUES ('joao@gmail.com');
INSERT INTO tb_user(email) VALUES ('ana@gmail.com');
INSERT INTO tb_user(email) VALUES ('lucia@gmail.com');
INSERT INTO tb_user(email) VALUES ('joaquim@gmail.com');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (4.5, 2, 'The Witcher', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/jBJWaqoSCiARWtfV0GlqHrcdidd.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (3.3, 3, 'Venom: Tempo de Carnificina', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/vIgyYkXkg6NC2whRbYjBD7eb3Er.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'O Espetacular Homem-Aranha 2: A Ameaça de Electro', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/u7SeO6Y42P7VCTWLhpnL96cyOqd.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Matrix Resurrections', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/hv7o3VgfsairBoQFAawgaQ4cR1m.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Shang-Chi e a Lenda dos Dez Anéis', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/cinER0ESG0eJ49kXlExM0MEWGxW.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Django Livre', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/2oZklIzUbvZXXzIFzv7Hi68d6xf.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Titanic', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/yDI6D5ZQh67YU4r2ms8qcSbAviZ.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'O Lobo de Wall Street', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/cWUOv3H7YFwvKeaQhoAQTLLpo9Z.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Aves de Rapina: Arlequina e sua Emancipação Fantabulosa', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/jiqD14fg7UTZOT6qgvzTmfRYpWI.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Rogue One: Uma História Star Wars', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/6t8ES1d12OzWyCGxBeDYLHoaDrT.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Star Wars: A Guerra dos Clones', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/uK15I3sGd8AudO9z6J6vi0HH1UU.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Star Wars: Episódio I - A Ameaça Fantasma', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/36LnijfQCOC89rCMOhn2OINXROI.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Vingadores: Ultimato', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/7RyHsO4yDXtBv1zUU3mTpHeQ0d5.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Thor', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/cDJ61O1STtbWNBwefuqVrRe3d7l.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Cisne Negro', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/hqh5O4KssfJWI62HGAgrjHXbxhD.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'O Silêncio dos Inocentes', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/mfwq2nMBzArzQ7Y9RKE8SKeeTkg.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Clube da Luta', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/hZkgoQYus5vegHoetLkCJzb17zJ.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Guerra Mundial Z', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/31VpBgUX5O4Z3dn5ZbX8HLqoXH3.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Harry Potter e as Relíquias da Morte - Parte 1', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/vcrgU0KaNj5mKUCIQSUdiQwTE9y.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/lvOLivVeX3DVVcwfVkxKf0R22D8.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Alice no País das Maravilhas', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/qNdlZgz9yoSJ8f0YxQWfKGPoVV.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Animais Fantásticos e Onde Habitam', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/8Qsr8pvDL3s1jNZQ4HK1d1Xlvnh.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'A Teoria de Tudo', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/kq2MHrRfH6RTfkvyDEmYLmGHE6U.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'O Livro de Boba Fett', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/sjx6zjQI2dLGtEL0HGWsnq6UyLU.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'O Último Duelo', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/4LrL40XecjGLRpX5I2gzMTUt04l.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Interestelar', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/rAiYTfKGqDCRIIqo664sY9XZIvQ.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Contato', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/yFkUPqBuUnbhYbQL8VFpTrAT9za.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Duna', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/jYEW5xZkZk2WTrdbMGAPFuBqbDc.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_movie(score, count, title, image) VALUES (0, 0, 'Aquaman', 'https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/2cUsDz4TzFYHrKktT1bKHHQ7Cgm.jpg');
INSERT INTO tb_score(movie_id, user_id, value) VALUES (1, 1, 5.0);
INSERT INTO tb_score(movie_id, user_id, value) VALUES (1, 2, 4.0);
INSERT INTO tb_score(movie_id, user_id, value) VALUES (2, 1, 3.0);
INSERT INTO tb_score(movie_id, user_id, value) VALUES (2, 2, 3.0);
INSERT INTO tb_score(movie_id, user_id, value) VALUES (2, 3, 4.0);
INSERT INTO tb_score(movie_id, user_id, value) VALUES (24, 2, 3.0);
INSERT INTO tb_score(movie_id, user_id, value) VALUES (25, 5, 5.0);
INSERT INTO tb_score(movie_id, user_id, value) VALUES (27, 1, 5.0);
INSERT INTO tb_score(movie_id, user_id, value) VALUES (27, 2, 4.0);
INSERT INTO tb_score(movie_id, user_id, value) VALUES (28, 1, 3.0);
INSERT INTO tb_score(movie_id, user_id, value) VALUES (28, 2, 3.0);
INSERT INTO tb_score(movie_id, user_id, value) VALUES (28, 3, 4.0);
INSERT INTO tb_score(movie_id, user_id, value) VALUES (29, 1, 5.0);
INSERT INTO tb_score(movie_id, user_id, value) VALUES (29, 4, 3.0);
# Go into the backend directory
$ cd backend
# Clear target directory
$ mvn clean
# Create the fat JAR
$ mvn package
# Go into the target directory
$ cd target
# Run the fat JAR
$ java -jar dsmovie-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
# Go into the frontend directory
$ cd frontend
# Install the dependencies
$ yarn install
# Start the application
$ yarn start
This project is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Made by Diego Vinciguerra 👋 Get in touch!