Webmind is a lightweight web service framework that integrates with SpringFramework. Realize the embedded startup of Tomcat, which is easy to use, occupies less memory, responds quickly, and has stable service. Suitable for Java microservices and web projects.
Add the following Maven dependency to your project's pom.xml
implementation 'io.github.dilldong:webmind-framework:4.6.3.RELEASE'
public class HelloController {
public String first() {
return "Welcome usage Webmind-Framework.";
// Spec a GET request, text response.
@Mapping(value = "/request/text", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String withText() {
return "Hello,This is Webmind-Framework.";
// Spec a URL parameter, text response.
@Mapping(value = "/request/text/${name}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String withText(String name) {
return "Hello "+ name +",This is Webmind-Framework.";
// Json response
public Response<String> withJson() {
return new Response<String>(HttpStatus.SC_OK, "OK");
// Json body response
public String withJsonResult() {
return new Response<Map<String, Object>>(HttpStatus.SC_OK, "OK")
.setResult(ImmutableMap.of("nickName", "Smith", "age", 26, "gender", "Male"))
// redirect
public String redirect() {
return "redirect:https://github.com/dilldong";
// forward
public String forward() {
return "forward:https://github.com/dilldong";
// javascript response
public String js() {
return "script:alert('This is JS window.');";
// velocity template engine
public Render velocity() {
return new TemplateRender("/template/index.vm");
@Interceptor(value = {"/user/*"}, excludes = {"/login"})
public class InterceptorClass extends AbstractHandlerInterceptor {
// Processing your business
@Filter(value = {"/*"})
public class WebFilter extends AbstractHandlerFilter {
// Processing your business
public class GithubController {
public String fromGithub() {
// Processing your business
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new String[]{"springContext.xml", "mybatisplusConfig.xml"},
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication application = SpringApplication.runApplication(Application.class, args);
// start your business
ContextSupport.getBeans(StartService.class).forEach((k, v) -> {
// shutdown for waiting
application.waiting(20L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication application =
new String[]{"springContext.xml", "mybatisplusConfig.xml"},
// start your business
ContextSupport.getBeans(StartService.class).forEach((k, v) -> {
// shutdown for waiting
application.waiting(20L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
The Webmind Framework is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.