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Code / Cloud Challenge of the CCE Team


This repository implements an serverless architecture that:

  • Create an endpoint in AWS where data can be sent in a JSON format
  • Persist the data to a datastore
  • At a weekly interval, a summary file should be generated from the datastore and stored in a S3 bucket

using AWS Serverless Application Model that deploys a AWS Lambda, API Gateway, S3 bucket and DynamoDB table in order to execute the previously mentioned demands.


In order to implement correctly the code, you will need to following tools, click in each link and follow the installation tutorials:

Deploying the solution


Since we are working in AWS cloud environment, our first step is to configure our programactic access to the enviroment, you can follow this tutorial to create your ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY that will be used next. Using any terminal of your choice (our example handle with Unix based ones), follow the given commands to configure your access:

#Check if you're using the correct AWS CLI version.
➜ ✗ aws --version
aws-cli/2.1.22 Python/3.7.4 Darwin/19.6.0 exe/x86_64 prompt/off

#Fill the following fields with the keys that you just created using AWS console.
➜ ✗ aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key [$SECRET_ACCESS_KEY]:
Default region name [us-east-1]: [$REGION]
Default output format [json]: json

#After that, use the following command in order to verify if your programactic access were corretly setup, the output should produce something similar with your data
➜ ✗ aws sts get-caller-identity
    "UserId": "$USER_ID",
    "Account": "$ACCOUNT_ID",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::$ACCOUNT_ID:user/$USER_NAME"

With AWS CLI programactic access setup, we can follow with the our serverless infrastructure implementation using AWS SAM


The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications, SAM transforms and expands the SAM syntax into AWS CloudFormation syntax, enabling you to build serverless applications faster.

Step 1: Template anatomy

You can read more about the template anatomy used by the framework clicking here

The directory structure will look like this (for Python implementations):

   ├── events/
   │   └── event.json
   ├── source/
   │   ├──
   │   ├──            #Contains your AWS Lambda handler logic.
   │   └── requirements.txt  #Contains any Python dependencies the application requires, used for sam build
   ├── template.yaml         #Contains the AWS SAM template defining your application's AWS resources.
   └── tests/
       └── unit/

Step 2: Deploy your application to the AWS Cloud

This repository have the and files that are scripts that will help us to quickly deploy (and clean if necessary) our code, to run they, just anyway, for documentation propouses we will describe the whole proccess next:

➜  vwdigitalsolutions git:(main) ✗ ./

## This script you start asking about the name that you be used for the cloudformation stack, s3 Bucket and the region, fill it press enter.

How do you want to name your AWS SAM stack? (Example: "vw-app")
How do you want to name the stack s3 bucket name? (Example: "vw-app-bucket")
Which region you want to deploy the stack? (Example: "us-east-1")

## The script will check if the given bucket name already exists, and if not, it you create it:

Bucket doesnt exists, creating bucket...
make_bucket: vw-app-bucket

Starting deploy process using AWS SAM


## Then it will perform the build process, using the source code available in the source/ directory

Starting Build inside a container
Building codeuri: source/ runtime: python3.8 metadata: {} functions: ['CrudFunction', 'S3DynamoBackup']

Fetching amazon/aws-sam-cli-build-image-python3.8 Docker container image......
Mounting /Users/diego.silva/Documents/personal/vwdigitalsolutions/vw-app/source as /tmp/samcli/source:ro,delegated inside runtime container

Build Succeeded

Built Artifacts  : .aws-sam/build
Built Template   : .aws-sam/build/template.yaml

Commands you can use next
[*] Invoke Function: sam local invoke
[*] Deploy: sam deploy --guided

Running PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies
Running PythonPipBuilder:CopySource

Build Finished


## Right after it will continue to the deploy proccess, using the definitions available on the samconfig.toml file.


Uploading to vw-app/05d01ecc743d17f8d01462611bcc855f  3327 / 3327  (100.00%)

	Deploying with following values
	Stack name                   : vw-app
	Region                       : us-east-1
	Confirm changeset            : True
	Deployment s3 bucket         : vw-app-bucket
	Capabilities                 : ["CAPABILITY_IAM"]
	Parameter overrides          : {}
	Signing Profiles             : {}

Initiating deployment
CrudFunction may not have authorization defined.
Uploading to vw-app/a23ae447af24b0d495c612bc5e608e8c.template  3931 / 3931  (100.00%)

Waiting for changeset to be created..

CloudFormation stack changeset
Operation                                         LogicalResourceId                                 ResourceType                                      Replacement
+ Add                                             CrudFunctionPostPermissionProd                    AWS::Lambda::Permission                           N/A
+ Add                                             CrudFunctionRole                                  AWS::IAM::Role                                    N/A
+ Add                                             CrudFunction                                      AWS::Lambda::Function                             N/A
+ Add                                             DynamoDBTable                                     AWS::DynamoDB::Table                              N/A
+ Add                                             S3BackupBucket                                    AWS::S3::Bucket                                   N/A
+ Add                                             S3DynamoBackupRole                                AWS::IAM::Role                                    N/A
+ Add                                             S3DynamoBackupS3BackupEventPermission             AWS::Lambda::Permission                           N/A
+ Add                                             S3DynamoBackupS3BackupEvent                       AWS::Events::Rule                                 N/A
+ Add                                             S3DynamoBackup                                    AWS::Lambda::Function                             N/A
+ Add                                             ServerlessRestApiDeployment41175413e9             AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment                       N/A
+ Add                                             ServerlessRestApiProdStage                        AWS::ApiGateway::Stage                            N/A
+ Add                                             ServerlessRestApi                                 AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi                          N/A

Changeset created successfully. arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:518074792448:changeSet/samcli-deploy1614657326/d1b5ac76-dd61-4eef-9d12-4a0334fdff6e

Previewing CloudFormation changeset before deployment
Deploy this changeset? [y/N]: y

2021-03-02 00:55:38 - Waiting for stack create/update to complete

CloudFormation events from changeset
ResourceStatus                                    ResourceType                                      LogicalResourceId                                 ResourceStatusReason
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::DynamoDB::Table                              DynamoDBTable                                     -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::S3::Bucket                                   S3BackupBucket                                    -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::S3::Bucket                                   S3BackupBucket                                    Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::DynamoDB::Table                              DynamoDBTable                                     Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE                                   AWS::S3::Bucket                                   S3BackupBucket                                    -
CREATE_COMPLETE                                   AWS::DynamoDB::Table                              DynamoDBTable                                     -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::IAM::Role                                    CrudFunctionRole                                  -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::IAM::Role                                    S3DynamoBackupRole                                -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::IAM::Role                                    CrudFunctionRole                                  Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::IAM::Role                                    S3DynamoBackupRole                                Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE                                   AWS::IAM::Role                                    S3DynamoBackupRole                                -
CREATE_COMPLETE                                   AWS::IAM::Role                                    CrudFunctionRole                                  -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::Lambda::Function                             CrudFunction                                      -
CREATE_COMPLETE                                   AWS::Lambda::Function                             S3DynamoBackup                                    -
CREATE_COMPLETE                                   AWS::Lambda::Function                             CrudFunction                                      -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::Lambda::Function                             S3DynamoBackup                                    Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::Lambda::Function                             CrudFunction                                      Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::Lambda::Function                             S3DynamoBackup                                    -
CREATE_COMPLETE                                   AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi                          ServerlessRestApi                                 -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::Events::Rule                                 S3DynamoBackupS3BackupEvent                       Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi                          ServerlessRestApi                                 Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::Events::Rule                                 S3DynamoBackupS3BackupEvent                       -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi                          ServerlessRestApi                                 -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment                       ServerlessRestApiDeployment41175413e9             Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment                       ServerlessRestApiDeployment41175413e9             -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::Lambda::Permission                           CrudFunctionPostPermissionProd                    Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::Lambda::Permission                           CrudFunctionPostPermissionProd                    -
CREATE_COMPLETE                                   AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment                       ServerlessRestApiDeployment41175413e9             -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::ApiGateway::Stage                            ServerlessRestApiProdStage                        -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::ApiGateway::Stage                            ServerlessRestApiProdStage                        Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE                                   AWS::ApiGateway::Stage                            ServerlessRestApiProdStage                        -
CREATE_COMPLETE                                   AWS::Lambda::Permission                           CrudFunctionPostPermissionProd                    -
CREATE_COMPLETE                                   AWS::Events::Rule                                 S3DynamoBackupS3BackupEvent                       -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::Lambda::Permission                           S3DynamoBackupS3BackupEventPermission             Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                AWS::Lambda::Permission                           S3DynamoBackupS3BackupEventPermission             -
CREATE_COMPLETE                                   AWS::Lambda::Permission                           S3DynamoBackupS3BackupEventPermission             -
CREATE_COMPLETE                                   AWS::CloudFormation::Stack                        vw-app                                            -

CloudFormation outputs from deployed stack

## Here we can get some output information, between then, the endpoint that can be used to input data, that will be stored by the application in our DynamoDb (and backed up in S3 as well)
Key                 S3DynamoBackupFunction
Description         Backup Lambda Function ARN
Value               arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:518074792448:function:vw-app-S3DynamoBackup-1SN3H4MGDESZE

Key                 S3DynamoBackupRole
Description         Implicit IAM Role created for Hello World function
Value               arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:518074792448:function:vw-app-S3DynamoBackup-1SN3H4MGDESZE

Key                 CrudFunctionIamRole
Description         Implicit IAM Role created for Hello World function
Value               arn:aws:iam::518074792448:role/vw-app-CrudFunctionRole-O0XXF3GGIFV9

Key                 CrudFunction
Description         Post Lambda Function ARN
Value               arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:518074792448:function:vw-app-CrudFunction-1T9BC2C8SSXAO

Key                 CrudFunctionApi
Description         API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage for Post function

Successfully created/updated stack - vw-app in us-east-1

Deploy Finished

To clean our infrastructure we can also use the file as describe bellow:

➜  vwdigitalsolutions ✗ ./
What do you want to name your sam stack? (Example: "vw-app")
What is the region of the stack? (Example: "us-east-1")
What is the name of the stack s3 bucket name? (Example: "vw-app-bucket")

Starting cleaning process

##This step will delete both our stack deployment bucket and the s3 backup buckets:
Deleting S3 buckets

delete: s3://datastorebackup-vw/dynamoDbBackupoutput.json20210302035839
delete: s3://datastorebackup-vw/dynamoDbBackupoutput.json20210302035740
delete: s3://datastorebackup-vw/dynamoDbBackupoutput.json20210302040238

##And then trigger the stack deletion to clean the other resources used
Deleting Cloudformation Stack

Stack deleted successful

After that, we can check using the AWS Console, for all the resources that were deployed and how they're running and interacting between each other.

In order to test the endpoint you can use the following request template, remembering that the API expects the "Id" field in JSON.

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Id": "60aaec9dd23a8fgdfwse76",
    "index": 0,
    "guid": "94ed85db-8adb-4a06-b76f-f1cc97fa331a",
    "isActive": true,
    "balance": "$1,683.36",
    "picture": "",
    "age": 33,
    "eyeColor": "green",
    "name": "Susie Mcintyre",
    "gender": "female",
    "company": "NETILITY",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+1 (941) 511-2865",
    "address": "342 Pacific Street, Tolu, Oklahoma, 2766",
    "about": "Aliqua fugiat pariatur eu nisi magna fugiat ex. Officia et commodo et dolor proident cillum proident do ut irure velit. Dolore amet tempor in veniam laborum anim officia esse consectetur non mollit aliqua. Anim nostrud velit eiusmod amet excepteur duis. Nulla eiusmod ea Lorem nostrud velit laboris.\r\n",
    "registered": "2019-07-21T09:35:30 +03:00",
    "latitude": -78.521836,
    "longitude": -90.775528,
    "tags": [
    "friends": [
            "id": 0,
            "name": "Amparo Rowland"
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Roxanne Ford"
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Erma Gamble"
    "greeting": "Hello, Susie Mcintyre! You have 8 unread messages.",
    "favoriteFruit": "banana"

All the configuration of the template.yaml file was designed to be fully dynamical, witouth the necessity of manual adjustments, and following the principle of least privilege. Implementing several concepts of DevSecOps.

Feel free to experiment and explore the tool using the getting started guide


¹ aws sam documentation: aws documentation: least privilege principle:,perform%20his%2Fher%20job%20functions.&text=Least%20privilege%20enforcement%20ensures%20the,access%20needed%20%E2%80%93%20and%20nothing%20more.


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