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damsky edited this page Oct 16, 2024 · 4 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

General Questions

What is Dotmemo?

Dotmemo is a decentralized application (dApp) that allows users to create and collect digital memories as NFTs on the Polkadot network.

How does Dotmemo work?

Dotmemo operates in three main steps: Claim (receive digital badges), Create (for event organizers), and Share & Showcase your digital memories.

Is Dotmemo free to use?

Yes, Dotmemo is free to use. However, there may be network fees associated with minting or claiming MEMOs.

Technical Questions

Where are Dotmemo NFTs minted?

Dotmemo NFTs (MEMOs) are minted on the Polkadot Asset Hub.

What technology does Dotmemo use for its NFTs?

Dotmemo utilizes the NFTs pallet on the Polkadot Asset Hub for creating and managing MEMOs.

What is the Polkadot Asset Hub?

The Polkadot Asset Hub is a parachain dedicated to asset management within the Polkadot ecosystem. It provides a secure and efficient environment for handling various types of assets, including NFTs.

What is an NFTs pallet?

The NFTs pallet is a module in the Substrate framework that provides functionality for creating, managing, and transferring Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on the blockchain.

Using Dotmemo

How do I claim a MEMO?

To claim a MEMO, visit the Dotmemo website, click on "Claim," and enter either the MEMO code provided by the event organizer or scan a QR code

Can I create my own MEMO?

Yes, event organizers can create their own MEMOs. Click on "Create" on the Dotmemo website and follow the prompts to set up your MEMO.

What do I need to use Dotmemo?

You'll need a Polkadot-compatible wallet to interact with Dotmemo. Popular options include Nova Wallet, Talisman & Subwallet.


I can't claim my MEMO. What should I do?

Ensure you're using the correct MEMO code or DOT address. Also, check that the MEMO is still available for claiming and that your wallet is properly connected.

Where can I view my claimed MEMOs?

You can view your MEMOs in your Polkadot wallet.

I'm having technical issues. Where can I get help?

For technical support, please contact our support team at

If you have any questions that aren't answered here, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.