Back-end microservice built with NestJS for managing notifications.
🧪 Unit tests cover all main entities and use-cases.
Prisma ORM
Action | HTTP method | Route | Arguments | Return |
Create notification | POST | / | Notification request object | Notification object |
Get notifications per recipient | GET | /from/:recipientId | Recipient ID | Notifications list |
Count notifications per recipient | GET | /count/from/:recipientId | Recipient ID | Count number |
Set notification as read | PATCH | /read/:id | Notification ID | - |
Set notification as unread | PATCH | /unread/:id | Notification ID | - |
Cancel notification | PATCH | /cancel/:id | Notification ID | - |
Data | Type |
Notification ID | string/UUID |
Recipient ID | string/UUID |
Notifications count | number |
Notifications list | Notifications [ ] |
"content": String,
"recipientId": String,
"category": String
recipientId: string,
createdAt: Date,
readAt: Date | null,
canceledAt: Date | null,
category: string,
content: Content,
Installing dependencies
npm install
Starting the development server to serve the application locally
npm run start:dev
Running all unit tests
npm run test
After installing Prisma, you can run Prisma Studio to visualize database entities
npx prisma studio
Check out package.json for more scripts.
- This project is purely a practical exercise intended for developing and/or showcasing my skills in the tools/techniques/concepts mentioned above. It's not meant to be a complete production-ready solution. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or simply want to chat about it!
- This exercise was built following the lessons by Rocketseat. It may or may not have been adapted/redesigned by me.