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Notification microservice built with NestJS. Experiment from Ignite Lab NodeJS by Rocketseat.

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Notifications microservice


Back-end microservice built with NestJS for managing notifications.

🧪 Unit tests cover all main entities and use-cases.

Tools used

Typescript NodeJS NestJS Prisma ORM SQLite JestJS

API Endpoints

Action HTTP method Route Arguments Return
Create notification POST / Notification request object Notification object
Get notifications per recipient GET /from/:recipientId Recipient ID Notifications list
Count notifications per recipient GET /count/from/:recipientId Recipient ID Count number
Set notification as read PATCH /read/:id Notification ID -
Set notification as unread PATCH /unread/:id Notification ID -
Cancel notification PATCH /cancel/:id Notification ID -

Data types

Data Type
Notification ID string/UUID
Recipient ID string/UUID
Notifications count number
Notifications list Notifications [ ]

Notification request object

  "content": String, 
  "recipientId": String,
  "category": String

Notification object

  recipientId: string,
  createdAt: Date,
  readAt: Date | null,
  canceledAt: Date | null,
  category: string,
  content: Content,

Installing and running

Installing dependencies

npm install

Starting the development server to serve the application locally

npm run start:dev

Running all unit tests

npm run test

After installing Prisma, you can run Prisma Studio to visualize database entities

npx prisma studio

Check out package.json for more scripts.

Extra notes

  • This project is purely a practical exercise intended for developing and/or showcasing my skills in the tools/techniques/concepts mentioned above. It's not meant to be a complete production-ready solution. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or simply want to chat about it!
  • This exercise was built following the lessons by Rocketseat. It may or may not have been adapted/redesigned by me.


Notification microservice built with NestJS. Experiment from Ignite Lab NodeJS by Rocketseat.




