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SubSnipe is a tool designed to help find subdomains that are vulnerable to takeover.


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SubSnipe 🚀⚡

SubSnipe is a multi-threaded tool designed to help finding subdomains that are vulnerable to takeover. It can be used in two different ways:

  1. Provide a domain as input and the tool then searches to search for known subdomains
  2. Provide the path to a file that already contains subdomains

Next, Subsnipe queries for each subdomain if it has a CNAME record. If so, we try to fingerprint it and check if the top-level domain of the CNAME is known to be vulnerable to subdomain takeover. The fingerprinting logic leverages

Say we find that has a CNAME to Since domains can potentially be leveraged for subdomain takeover, SubSnipe flags this as a domain that is generally exploitable. Of course, for this to be a vulnerability, you need to be able to register, so as a next step, you need to verify if this domain is available to for you to register.

In the last step, SubSnipe tries to do this for you by checking if the CNAME, e.g., can actually be taken over. If it could verify that the domain can very likely be taken over, it tags the domain with Takeover Likely Possible! in the

Built-in Help 🆘

Help is built-in!

  • subsnipe --help - outputs the help.

How to Use ⚙

SubSnipe identifies potentially take-over-able subdomains

  subsnipe [flags]

./subsnipe -d
./subsnipe -d --threads 50 --output
./subsnipe -s subdomains.txt --skip-update-check --format json --output output.json

  -d, --domain string            The domain to query for subdomains
  -f, --format string            Format of the output (md, json) (default "md")
  -h, --help                     help for subsnipe
  -o, --output string            Name of the output file (default "")
  -u, --skip-update-check        Skip update check
  -s, --subdomains-file string   Path to the file containing subdomains to query (subdomains are separated by new lines)
  -t, --threads int              Number of concurrent threads for CNAME checks (default 30)

Setup ✅

  • You can install the tool via go install
  • You can simply run this tool from source via go run .
  • You can build the tool yourself via go build
  • You can also build the docker image yourself via docker build . -t fw10/subsnipe

Run via Docker 🐳 (Only 1 Command!)

  1. Traverse into the directory where you want the to be stored to
  2. Run docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd):/app/output" fw10/subsnipe [flags]

Note that the docker version of the app is very slow at the moment (which I presume is related to network latency when doing all the DNS lookups).

Run Tests 🧪

  • To run the tests, run go test or go test -v (for more details)

Example Output 📋

### Could Be Exploitable

- CNAME for is: (found matching fingerprint - vulnerable)
- CNAME for is: (found matching fingerprint - vulnerable)
- CNAME for is: (found matching fingerprint - 'vulnerable'): `Takeover Likely Possible!`

### Not Exploitable

- CNAME for * is: (found matching fingerprint - safe)

### Exploitability Unknown

- CNAME for is:

Releases 🔑

  • The Releases section contains some already compiled binaries for you so that you might not have to build the tool yourself
  • For the Mac releases, your Mac may throw a warning ("cannot be opened because it is from an unidentified developer")

Bug Reports 🐞

If you find a bug, please file an Issue right here in GitHub, and I will try to resolve it in a timely manner.

Known Issues ⚠️

  • On x86 Ubuntu (as well as Ubuntu running as WSL on an x86 Windows machine), Subsnipe seems to have issues finding CNAMEs for subdomains that don't have an A record. I couldn't replicate this problem on ARM Ubuntu or Ubuntu WSL (on a Windows ARM machine). I'm not quite sure what the reason for this it but it seems to be related to some internals of the Golang standard libraries. I'm putting this in the backlog for now.