Provides the structures nessecary to create MQTT Discovery messages for use with Home Assistant.
Create an entry for the type of device you want to announce. Then publish to a valid
topic. A valid
topic can be generated from the device entry with device.AnnounceTopic(prefix)
. The
default prefix in homeassistant
, but is configurable your configuration.yaml
func PublishBinarySensor(cli mqtt.Client) error {
uid := "someuniqueidentifier"
s := BinarySensor{
StateTopic: "some/sensor",
Name: "ON/OFF Sensor",
DeviceClass: "safety",
UniqueId: uid,
ExpireAfter: 60 * 60 * 12,
ValueTemplate: "{{ value_json.state }}",
PayloadOn: "on",
PayloadOff: "off",
Device: &Device{
Identifiers: []string{uid},
Manufacturer: "Super Widgets Inc.",
Model: "Widget 1.0",
Name: "Widget",
SuggestedArea: "outside",
SWVersion: "v0.0.3",
bs, err := json.Marshal(s)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not marshal Binary Sensor: %v", err)
announceTopic := s.AnnounceTopic("homeassistant")
cli.Publish(announceTopic, 0, true, bs)
return nil
The structs are created directly from the
documentation for the mqtt devices
that support discovery.
Recreate the structs with go generate ./...
It's much easier to generate the structs from the yaml used to create the documentation than it is to scrape . So the actual scraping is done on markdown found on
- Device and Availability structs are hard coded and defined in
- hassdiscovery.go.