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A minimal website that would be required to run ES6 type code. version 1


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Minimal ES6 Website Setup - for Shopping Cart

A minimal website that would be required to run ES6 type code.

version 1.1 released 19th Oct 2016

version 1.2 released 25th Jan 2017

- added **Gulp** to the base project repo.

These URL of this repository is at

The repository was last used for the repo (to see how the project was created practically)

There are two ways to use this repository.

You can use it as a guide to build a repository that supports ES6 code from scratch

... OR ...

You can fork this repo for your own purposes. The instructions immediately below describe forking this repository.

Building the repository from scratch is described at the end of this README.

It is recommended that you fork the repository to get things started quickly.

Forking is similar to making a branch or cloning except it creates a fully independent copy of the repository. You can make changes to the repository, but it will not impact the original master. The only way for interaction with the original master to occur is if the owner of the original master branch accepts a pull request (discussed in a another tutorial).

Cloning in contrast, makes a direct copy of a repository and allows you to push changes back to the original.

Branching creates a parallel clone of a repository, but it is still connected to the original repository and you can merge changes between 'main'/'master' branch and your newly created branch.

Prerequisites: You have a Github Account and therefore, can create and manage your own repositories.

  1. Login to your GitHub Account in your web browser.

  2. To fork this repository, browse to

  3. Click upon the Fork button on the right hand side of the screen to begin making an independent copy of the repository...

Github Fork Button

It should take a few moments to fork...

Wait For Forking

  1. Once the forking process is complete, you should have a completely independent, forked copy of the repository.

Forked copy of repository

  1. Now you can clone the repository.

  2. (a) If you are cloning using the terminal...

  • Note the Github URL for your project, it will be something like**projectName.git**

  • go to your terminal / DOS prompt / command line interface (CLI)

  • Go to your folder where all your projects are stored, usually the documents folder.

  • Create a new directory for your project (for example RA-Project02). Usually mkdir nameofdirectory is the command to use.

Then perform the following git commands at the prompt

$ git clone**projectName.git** nameofdirectory

$ cd nameofdirectory

$ ls

(should show the files and folders of the cloned repo)

  1. (b) If you are cloning using github desktop...
  • Click on the Clone or Download button.
  • Choose Open in Desktop.
  • If you had installed Github Desktop, Github Desktop should launch. If you did not install it, download and install it.
  • When asked, choose a folder to save it to, maybe in the documents folder.
  • By default, the project name will be the name of the folder that the contents will be saved into. You could choose an alternate name.
  • Github desktop will continue to be open.
  1. You can then continue working with the files as usual with your editor, i.e. Sublime, Atom, Brackets, MS Visual Code, Webstorm, etc.


These alternate instructions below are only to be followed if you are going to build your project from scratch and not fork this repository.

  1. Make sure you create a remote respository to store the files you are creating first!

  2. In your local folder for your repository, run npm init to create your basic package.json file. Fill in the details:

  • name: name_of_project ex. project02
  • version: 1.0.0
  • description: an appropriate description _ex. shopping cart project
  • entry point: index.js
  • test command: leave blank
  • git repository: ** use the github link of the repository that you created for your project as described in step 01 **.
  • keywords: leave blank for now
  • author: your name
  • license: press enter
  1. Review the settings for the package.json file being created.

  2. For Is This Ok, if the settings look good, click yes. An example of what the chosen settings look like is shown below (the values will be of course the values you have entered and not necessarily the ones in this diagram) running npm init

  3. Make sure webpack and gulp are globally installed, making it available to transpile at your terminal.

npm install -g webpack npm install -g gulp

  1. Next install the following modules the order is referenced below, using

npm install --save-dev nameOfModule

as usual.

Note: Ignore the version numbers referenced below, I copied the module names from package.json. So at the terminal you would install the modules like so...

npm install --save-dev webpack

npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server

npm install --save-dev babel-cli

etc. (repeating for the remaining modules in the list below)

Note specifying at @latest installs the latest version (if you like)

npm install --save-dev webpack@latest

But note that the folks that created BABEL updated BABEL recently (thanks to my interference lol).

1. "webpack": "^1.13.2",
2. "webpack-dev-server": "^1.15.0"
3. "babel-cli": "^6.14.0",
4. "babel-core": "^6.14.0",
5. "babel-loader": "^6.2.5",
6. "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.14.0",
7. "file-loader": "^0.9.0",
8. "node-libs-browser": "^1.0.0",
9. "node-sass": "^3.8.0",
10. "sass-loader": "^4.0.0",
11. "css-loader": "^0.24.0",
12. "style-loader": "^0.13.1",
13. (new 2017-25-01) "Gulp": "^3.9.1"

Note: If you wish to install any other modules that you may need (such as gulp-watch) go ahead and do so.

No warnings should show up at this point...

  1. Then create a file called .babelrc . You see the source file for the code in this repo. This makes babel use ES2015 for sure.

  2. Then modify the following in the scripts: property of package.json to add build and start properties

"scripts": { "test": "echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1" "build": "webpack", "start": "webpack-dev-server" }

  • The build property above tells npm what module is used to build the site. In this case, its webpack (as opposed to Node)

  • The start property tells npm what to start. In this case, it's the webpack dev server, used for testing (like an Apache server). You will likely explore Apache when you cover PHP and Wordpress.

  1. Create a file called webpack.config.js
  • use my example web.config.js
  • its commented, so review it. You don't have to master NODE to know the intricacies of what is happening, but be familiar with the basics of webpack.config.js
  • a good starter video to learn webpack is at

FINALLY Create some sample ES6 classes. see the /src folder

  1. There is an index.js file, and sample classes to be imported, called Person.js, and Car.js.

-index.js is 'linked' to index.html and becomes the 'launcher' for the app. It brings all the code together. -index.js uses imports to include the other classes -The other classes are marked as export. -most of the script is up to ES6 compliancy.

  1. At the terminal, run


^ the above should transpile file .js files accordingly.

then run

npm start

^ which launches the dev testing server in hot module replacement mode. This means changes in your code on the fly will automatically refresh the browser.

DO THIS STUFF with CARE! It's subject to change. As always, slack me with questions or e-mail me at

We are here to help!


A minimal website that would be required to run ES6 type code. version 1







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