This package combines the features from lovely.memcached and plone.memoize.ram. It provides a decorator and utility for Memcaches at EEA. The decorator allows you set dependencies known by eea.cache
This add-on doesn't do anything by itself. It needs to be integrated by a developer within your own products. For reference you can check the package.
- Extends and overrides plone.memoize cache adapters to work with memcache
- Provides an extended @cache decorator that supports:
- cache lifetime override per method
- dependencies string in order to bulk invalidate cache
- auto-invalidation of cache when ObjectModifiedEvent is triggered
- Possibility to manually invalidate cache via URL.
Add eea.cache to your eggs and zcml section in your buildout and re-run buildout:
eggs = ... eea.cache zcml = ... eea.cache eea.cache-overrides
You can download a sample buildout from
Install eea.cache within Site Setup > Add-ons
Start memcache:
$ bin/memcached start
- python-memcached
- pylibmc (optional, for better performance)
- plone.memoize
- plone.uuid
- Latest source code (Zope 2 compatible):
>>> def key(method, self): ... return method.__name__ >>> from eea.cache import cache >>> @cache(key, dependencies=["frontpage"]) ... def myMethod(num): ... return num*num
Lets clear any running memcache:
>>> from eea.cache.event import InvalidateMemCacheEvent >>> from zope.event import notify >>> notify(InvalidateMemCacheEvent(raw=True, dependencies=['frontpage']))
Our myMethod will now be cached with the key returned from the method 'key' and with dependency 'frontpage':
>>> myMethod(2) 4 >>> myMethod(3) 4 >>> notify(InvalidateMemCacheEvent(raw=True, dependencies=['frontpage'])) >>> myMethod(3) 9
By default your content is cached in memcache for one hour (3600 seconds). You can change this by adding an int property within: ZMI > portal_properties > site_properties called memcached_defaultLifetime and set it's value to 86400 (one day) for example.
Starting with eea.cache 5.1 you can also pass a lifetime key with the duration in seconds which will override the defaultLifetime either given from the portal property or the default one from lovely.memcached of 3600 seconds:
ex: in order to cache the result only for 4 minutes >>> @cache(key, dependencies=["frontpage"], lifetime=240) ... def myMethod(num): ... return num*num
If you use cache decorator for BrowserView methods or directly on Zope objects methods cache will be automatically invalidated when object is modified (ObjectModifiedEvent is triggered):
>>> from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView >>> class XXX(BrowserView): ... @cache(key) ... def title(self): ... return self.context.title_or_id()
You can disable auto invalidation by providing the auto_invalidate param to @cache decorator:
>>> @cache(key, auto_invalidate=False) ... def title(self): ... return self.context.title_or_id()
In order to manually invalidate memcached cache per object this package provides a browser view called memcache.invalidate. It will invalidate all memcached methods associated with current object's UID:
You can also manually invalidate related items and back references:
http://localhost:2020/Plone/front-page/memcache.invalidate/relatedItems http://localhost:2020/Plone/front-page/memcache.invalidate/backRefs
By default this method can be called by users with these roles:
- Editor
- CommonEditor
- Owner
- Manager
In order to manually invalidate memcached cache per object this package provides a browser view called varnish.invalidate. It will invalidate all memcached methods associated with current object's UID:
You can also manually invalidate related items and back references:
http://localhost:2020/Plone/front-page/varnish.invalidate/relatedItems http://localhost:2020/Plone/front-page/varnish.invalidate/backRefs
By default this method can be called by users with these roles:
- Editor
- CommonEditor
- Owner
- Manager
In order to manually invalidate cache (memcached and varnish) per object this package provides a browser view called cache.invalidate. It will call memcache.invalidate and varnish.invalidate:
You can also manually invalidate related items and back references:
http://localhost:2020/Plone/front-page/cache.invalidate/relatedItems http://localhost:2020/Plone/front-page/cache.invalidate/backRefs
By default this method can be called by users with these roles:
- Editor
- CommonEditor
- Owner
- Manager
There is also a Cache Tab per object where you can manually select which cache to invalidate. By default, you can invalidate memcache and varnish. You also have the possibility to invalidate memcache and/or varnish for related items and also fo back references.
This form can be extended with more options. For a more detailed example see eea.pdf
<adapter zcml:condition="installed eea.cache" factory=".behavior.ExtraBehavior" /> <adapter zcml:condition="installed eea.cache" factory=".behavior.ExtraSettings" name="eea.pdf.cache.extender" />
# Model class IExtraSettings(model.Schema): """ Extra settings """ pdf = schema.Bool( title=_(u"PDF"), description=_(u"Invalidate latest generated PDF file"), required=False, default=False ) # Behaviour class ExtraBehavior(object): implements(IExtraSettings) adapts(IPDFAware) def __init__(self, context): self.context = context @property def pdf(self): """ PDF """ return False @pdf.setter def pdf(self, value): """ Invalidate last generated PDF? """ if not value: return removePdfFiles() # Form class ExtraSettings(extensible.FormExtender): adapts(IPDFAware, ILayer, SettingsForm) def __init__(self, context, request, form): self.context = context self.request = request self.form = form def update(self): """ Extend form """ self.add(IExtraSettings, prefix="extra") self.move('pdf', after='varnish', prefix='extra')
The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment Agency (EEA). All Rights Reserved.
The eea.cache (the Original Code) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
More details under docs/License.txt
EEA - European Environment Agency (EU)