A set of scripts for rcx and sta for caravel top level
- Docker
In case of not using the docker image:
- Python modules:
A set of exports are needed:
export CARAVEL_ROOT=${HOME}/caravel/
export MCW_ROOT=${HOME}/caravel_mgmt_soc_litex/
export CUP_ROOT=${HOME}/caravel_user_project/
export TIMING_ROOT=${HOME}/timing-scripts/
export PDK_ROOT=${HOME}/pdk/
export PDK=sky130A
export OPENLANE_IMAGE_NAME=efabless/openlane:4476a58407d670d251aa0be6a55e5391bb181c4e-amd64
This is just an example. Please export your own paths and a recent version of openlane
After exporting the prerequisites, run:
make -f timing.mk list-rcx
You should get
amongst others such as:rcx-buff_flash_clkrst rcx-caravel rcx-caravel_clocking rcx-constant_block rcx-digital_pll rcx-gpio_control_block rcx-gpio_defaults_block rcx-gpio_logic_high rcx-gpio_signal_buffering rcx-gpio_signal_buffering_alt rcx-housekeeping rcx-mgmt_protect rcx-mprj2_logic_high rcx-mprj_logic_high rcx-spare_logic_block rcx-RAM256 rcx-mgmt_core_wrapper rcx-user_proj_example rcx-user_project_wrapper
extract multicorner spefs for
and any other blocks inside:make -f timing.mk rcx-user_project_wrapper make -f timing.mk rcx-user_proj_example
generate spef mapping file for caravel_user_project:
python3 ./scripts/generate_spef_mapping \ -i ${CUP_ROOT}/verilog/gl/user_project_wrapper.v \ -o ${CUP_ROOT}/env/spef-mapping.tcl \ --project-root '$::env(CUP_ROOT)' \ --pdk-path "${PDK_ROOT}/${PDK}"
run sta:
make -f timing.mk caravel-timing-typ make -f timing.mk caravel-timing-slow make -f timing.mk caravel-timing-fast
- Makefile
- Makefile
- Assumes a fixed folder structure for the exported directories
- Probably a lot of corner cases that weren't considered