This repository contains the tools and scripts, I added in my recent blog post "Recon-My way" and I personally use.
Here is my blog post
Machine Configuration I use - Debian- 9.4, 4 GB RAM on DigitalOcean (You can use any config but this is recommended)
root@recon-my-way:~# sudo apt-get upgrade
root@recon-my-way:~# sudo apt-get update
root@recon-my-way:~# sudo apt-get install git
root@recon-my-way:~# apt install curl
root@recon-my-way:~# curl -O
root@recon-my-way:~# sha256sum go1.10.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz
root@recon-my-way:~# tar xvf go1.10.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
root@recon-my-way:~# sudo chown -R root:root ./go
root@recon-my-way:~# sudo mv go /usr/local
root@recon-my-way:~# vi ~/.profile
export GOPATH=$HOME/work
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin
source ~/.profile
root@recon-my-way:~# rm -rf go1.10.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
root@recon-my-way:~# rm -rf work
root@recon-my-way:~# apt-get install ruby-full
root@recon-my-way:~# apt install python-pip
root@recon-my-way:~# apt install python3-pip //for python 3
root@recon-my-way:~# gem install colorize
root@recon-my-way:~# go get -u
root@recon-my-way:~# gem install aquatone
root@recon-my-way:~# cd knock
root@recon-my-way:~# sudo apt-get install python-dnspython
root@recon-my-way:~# vi knockpy/config.json <- set your virustotal API_KEY
root@recon-my-way:~# sudo python install
root@recon-my-way:~# go get
root@recon-my-way:~# subfinder //test run
root@recon-my-way:~# pip install censys
root@recon-my-way:~# export CENSYS_API_ID=Your_Censys_APP_ID
root@recon-my-way:~# export CENSYS_API_SECRET=Your_Censys_APP_ID
root@recon-my-way:~# git clone
root@recon-my-way:~# cd sublist3r
root@recon-my-way:~# sudo apt-get install python-requests
root@recon-my-way:~# sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
root@recon-my-way:~# apt-get install dnsutils
root@recon-my-way:~# apt-get install nmap
root@recon-my-way:~# pip install awscli
root@recon-my-way:~# aws configure //Add your AWS keys
root@recon-my-way:~# python dirsearch -u -e *(or any file extension)
root@recon-my-way:~# cd /usr/local/go
root@recon-my-way:~# go get -u
root@recon-my-way:~# gobuster //test run
Note: All credits goes to the original developers of the tools listed in this repository. I do not own any of the tool listed in this repository.