This module includes a datetime directive and a parser service.
- This module includes:
- A directive which can simulate datetime input within a text field.
- A service which can convert a string of date into a Date object, and vice versa.
- Support IE8. Note that old browsers (including IE8-11) require babel-polyfill to be installed.
- Angular 1.2+
- custom-input 0.2.1 -
Apart from the formats provided officially, angular-datetime support some new tokens:
- ZZ - represent timezone with colon (e.g. +08:00)
- With Angular 1.2.x:
- With Angular 1.5.x:
Via npm:
npm install angular angular-datetime-input --save
Or use pre-built dist:
<script src=""></script>
// Setup dependency
angular.module("myApp", ["datetime"]);
// Use datetime parser
angular.controller("myController", function(datetime){
// Create a parser
var parser = datetime("yyyy-MM-dd");
// Set to current date
parser.setDate(new Date);
parser.getText(); // -> "2015-01-30"
// Parse a date string
parser.getDate(); // -> Date object
// Set working timezone. Changing timezone will not affect date object but
// date string (i.e. parser.getText()).
// Reset to default timezone.
// Catch the parsing error
try {
} catch (err) {
console.log(err); // -> {code: "...", message: "...", ...}
Check out the demo page for details.
<input type="text" datetime="yyyy-MM-dd" ng-model="myDate">
<input type="text" datetime="yyyy-MM-dd" ng-model="myDate" required>
<input type="text" datetime="yyyy-MM-dd" ng-model="myDate" datetime-timezone="+0300">
<input type="text" datetime="yyyy-MM-dd" ng-model="myDate" min="Jan 1, 1990" max="Dec 31, 2050">
<input type="text" datetime="yyyy-MM-dd" ng-model="myDate" datetime-model="yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss">
<input type="text" datetime="dd.MM.yyyy" ng-model="myDate" datetime-separator=",">
This module exports:
service - a function to create DatetimeParser object.datetimePlaceholder
constant - a map that define the placeholder of each element.
Just a plain object. Edit it in config phase to specify different placeholder.
Default value:
year: "(year)",
yearShort: "(year)",
month: "(month)",
date: "(date)",
day: "(day)",
hour: "(hour)",
hour12: "(hour12)",
minute: "(minute)",
second: "(second)",
millisecond: "(millisecond)",
ampm: "(AM/PM)",
week: "(week)"
A function to construct a date parser. format is a string containing date definition tokens defined by Angular:
A parser object which can convert String to Date and vice versa.
Parse text. This method might throw error.
Return formatted text.
Set date and conver date to text.
Return Date object.
These methods are usually used like:
date = parser.parse(text).getDate();
text = parser.setDate(date).getText();
Set the timezone of the parser. timezone is a string matching /[+-]\d{2}:?\d{2}/
If timezone is not provided, reset timezone to browser default.
Setting timezone doesn't affect model value but update text.
time = parser.getDate().getTime();
time2 = parser.getDate().getTime();
console.assert(time == time2);
Return true if there is any empty element.
Return true if all elements are set.
Set all elements to empty.
- 2 digit year 'yy' is ambiguous when converting datestring back to date object (Ex. 14 -> 2014, 1914, ...). You should avoid it.
- Some info about getting selection range across all browsers:
- 5.3.0 (Apr 19, 2018)
- Add:
attribute. Now you can customize the timezone in the directive. #60 @andreyjkee
- Add:
- 5.2.1 (Sep 17, 2017)
- Fix: use unpkg field in package.json.
- 5.2.0 (Sep 17, 2017)
- 5.1.3 (Jul 24, 2017)
- Fix overflowed day issue. #52
- 5.1.2 (Apr 16, 2017)
- Fix jQuery compat issue. #45
- 5.1.1 (Mar 30, 2017)
- Increase directive's priority. #46
- 5.1.0 (Mar 9, 2017)
- Switch to browserify.
- Drop karma, switch to mocha + jsdom.
- Update custom-input to 0.2.0.
- Now this package is requirable, perhaps it works better in different bundlers.
- 5.0.0 (Dec 23, 2016)
- Rewritten in ES6.
- The core part of the parser and the input mask are pulled out as custom-input
- Support IE8 by transpiling through babel and using polyfill for missing functions.
- Add constant
- Rewritten in ES6.
- 4.1.0 (Oct 5, 2016)
- Refactor.
- Fix day priority bug.
- Add
. Fix required issue.
- 4.0.0 (Sep 1, 2016)
- Change how parser work. It can represent "undefined" node now.
- Use tab key to navigate between different parts.
- 3.2.2 (Jun 30, 2016)
- Return false if there is no ngModel.
- 3.2.1 (Jun 18, 2016)
- Fix a bug that empty
cause invalid date.
- Fix a bug that empty
- 3.2.0 (May 17, 2016)
- Support dynamic datetime-utc. #29
- 3.1.1 (Apr 17, 2016)
- Deploy to npmjs/angular-datetime-input.
- Drop grunt.
- 3.1.0
- Jump on the next segment on pressing next separator key. (#26)
- Add
option. - Now it will try to fix NUMBER_TOOSHORT error when pressing left/right/separator key.
- 3.0.1 (Apr 9, 2016)
- Fix validator and datetime-model bug. #27
- 3.0.0 (Apr 1, 2016)
- Add token
. #24 - Fix datetime-utc issue. #21
- Add
. #22 - Use PhantomJS for testing.
- Change Angular dependency to ^1.2.0.
- Fix date overflow bug.
- Add token
- 2.2.1 (Mar 31, 2016)
- Fix reference error with "Z" token. See #20
- 2.2.0 (Feb 23, 2016)
- Add new error type "LEADING_ZERO", "NUMBER_TOOSMALL".
- Use the behavior introduced in #18.
- Add
- 2.1.0 (Jan 12, 2016)
- Add
- Add
- 2.0.1 (Jan 1, 2016)
- Add MIT License
- 2.0
- Add
directive. - Support
in angular 1.3.x. - Update Eslint to 1.x.
- Fix timezone token
- Add
- 1.0
- Added Karma test.
- Changed source structure.
- Now you can chain parser's methods.
- Parsing error won't mess up modelValue anymore.