Developed by Eric Normandeau in Louis Bernatchez's laboratory.
Licence information at the end of this file.
Barque is a fast eDNA metabarcoding analysis pipeline that first denoises and then annotates ASVs or OTUs, using high-quality barcoding databases.
Barque can produce denoised OTUs and annotate them using a custom database. These annotated OTUs can then be used as a database themselves to find read counts per OTU per sample, effectively annotating the reads with the OTUs that were previously found. In this process, some of the OTUs are annotated to the species level, some to the genus or higher levels.
Barque is described as an accurate and efficient eDNA analysis pipeline in:
Mathon L, Guérin P-E, Normandeau E, Valentini A, Noel C, Lionnet C, Linard B, Thuiller W, Bernatchez L, Mouillot D, Dejean T, Manel S. 2021. Benchmarking bioinformatic tools for fast and accurate eDNA metabarcoding species identification. Molecular Ecology Resources.
It is also presented in:
Hakimzadeh A et. al. 2023. A pile of pipelines: An overview of the bioinformatics software for metabarcoding data analyses. Molecular Ecology Resources.
- Monitoring invasive species
- Confirming the presence of specific species
- Characterizing meta-communities in varied environments
- Improving species distribution knowledge of cryptic taxa
- Following loss of species over medium to long-term monitoring
Since Barque depends on the use of high-quality barcoding databases, it is especially useful for amplicons that already have large databases, like COI amplicons from the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD) or 12S amplicons from the mitofish database, although it can also use any database once it is formatted in its format, for example the Silva database for the 18s gene or any other custom database. If for some reason species annotations are not possible, Barque can be used in OTU mode.
To use Barque, you will need a local copy of its repository. Different releases can be found here. It is recommended to always use the latest release, even the development version. You can either download an archive of the latest release at the above link or get the latest commit (recommended) with the following git command:
git clone
To run Barque, you will also need to have the following programs installed on your computer.
- Barque will only work on GNU Linux or OSX
- bash 4+
- python 3.5+ (you can use miniconda3 to install python)
- python distutils package
- R 3+ (ubuntu/mint:
sudo apt-get install r-base-core
) - java (ubuntu/mint:
sudo apt-get install default-jre
) - gnu parallel
- flash (read merger) v1.2.11+
- vsearch v2.14.2+
- /!\ v2.14.2+ required /!\
- Barque will not work with older versions of vsearch
- Install dependencies
- Download a copy of the Barque repository (see Installation above)
- Edit
to provide information describing your primers - Get or prepare the database(s) (see Formatting database section below) and
deposit the
file in the03_databases
folder and give it a name that matches the information of the02_info/primers.csv
file. - Modify the parameters in
for your run - Launch Barque, for example with
./barque 02_info/
During the analyses, the following steps are performed:
- Filter and trim raw reads (
) - Merge paired-end reads (
) - Split merged reads by amplicon (Python script)
- Look for chimeras and denoise reads (
algorithm) - Merge unique reads (Python script)
- Find species or OTUs associated with unique, denoised reads (
) - Summarize results (Python script)
- Tables of phylum, genus, and species counts per sample, including multiple hits
- Number of retained reads per sample at each analysis step with figure
- Most frequent non-annotated sequences to blast on NCBI nt/nr
- Species counts for these non-annotated sequences
- Sequence groups for cases of multiple hits
For each new project, get a new copy of Barque from the source listed in the Installation section. In this case, you do not need to modify the primer and config files.
If you want to test Barque, jump straight to the Test dataset
section at
the end of this file. Later, be sure to read through the README to understand
the program and it's outputs.
Copy your demultiplexed paired-end sample files in the 04_data
folder. You
need one pair of files per sample. The sequences in these files must contain
the sequences of the primer that you used during the PCR. Depending on the
format in which you received your sequences from the sequencing facility, you
may have to proceed to demultiplexing before you can use Barque.
IMPORTANT: The file names must follow this format:
Notes: Each sample name, or SampleID, must contain no underscore (_
) and must
be followed by an underscore (_
). The star (*
) can be any string of text
that does not contain space characters. For example, you can use dashes
) to separate parts of your sample names, eg:
You need to put a database in gzip-compressed Fasta format, or .fasta.gz
, in
the 03_databases
An augmented version of the mitofish 12S database, as well as 16S and cytb, are already available in Barque.
The pre-formatted BOLD databases ready for Barque can be downloaded below.
Note that you will need to rename the downloaded file to bold.fasta.gz
If you want to use a newer version of the BOLD database, you will need to
download all the animal BINs from
this page ,
put the downloaded Fasta files in 03_databases/bold_bins
(you will need to create
that folder), and run the commands to format the bold database:
# Format each BIN individually (~10 minutes)
# Note: the `species_to_remove.txt` file is optional
ls -1 03_databases/bold_bins/*.fas.gz |
parallel ./01_scripts/util/format_databases/ \
{} {.}_prepared.fasta.gz
# Concatenate the resulting formatted bins into one file
gunzip -c 03_databases/bold_bins/*_prepared.fasta.gz | gzip - > 03_databases/bold.fasta.gz
- For other databases, get the database and format it:
- Name lines must contain 3 information fields separated by an underscore (
) - Ex:
- Ex:
- Ex:
- gzip-compressed Fasta format (
- Name lines must contain 3 information fields separated by an underscore (
Copy and modify the parameters in 02_info/
as needed.
Launch the barque
executable with the name of your configuration file as an
argument, like this:
./barque 02_info/<YOUR_CONFIG_FILE>
Two of the parameters in the config file can help reduce the presence of false
positive annotations in the results: MIN_HITS_EXPERIMENT
. The defaults to both of these are very permissive and should
be modified if false positives are problematic in the results. Additionally,
the following script is provided to filter out species annotations that fall
below a minimum proportion of reads in each samples:
. This filter is especially useful if the
different samples have very unequal numbers of reads. Having a high quality
database will also help reducing false annotations. Finally, manual curation of
the results is recommended with any eDNA analysis, regardless of the software
Once the pipeline has finished running, all result files are found in the
After a run, it is recommended to make a copy of this folder and name it with the current date, ex:
cp -r 12_results 12_results_PROJECT_NAME_2024-02-29_SOME_ADDITIONAL_INFO
: Lists how many sequences were present in each sample for every analysis step. Depending on library and sequencing quality, as well as the biological diversity found at the sample site, more or less sequences are lost at each of the analysis steps. The figuresequence_dropout_figure.png
shows how many sequences are retained for each sample at each step of the pipeline.
: Sequences that are frequent in the samples but were not annotated by the pipeline. This Fasta file should be used to query the NCBI nt/nr database using the online portal found here to see what species may have been missed. Useblastn
with default parameters. Once the NCBI blastn search is finished, download the results as a text file and use the following command (you will need to adjust the input and output file names) to generate a report of the most frequently found species in the non-annotated sequences:
contains fasta file with database and sample sequences to help understand why some of the sequences cannot be unambiguously assigned to one species. For example, sometimes two different species can have identical reads in the database. At other times, sample sequences can have the same distance to sequences of two different species in the database.
./01_scripts/ \
12_results/NCBI-Alignment.txt \
12_results/most_frequent_non_annotated_sequences_species_ncbi.csv 97 |
sort -u -k 2,3 | cut -c 2- | perl -pe 's/ /\t/' > missing_species_97_percent.txt
The first result file will contain one line per identified taxon and the number of sequences for each taxon, sorted in decreasing order. For any species of interest found in this file, it is a good idea to download the representative sequences from NCBI, add them to the database, and rerun the analysis.
You can modify the percentage value, here 97. The
file will list the sequence identifiers from
NCBI so that you can download them from the online database and add them to
your own database as needed.
One way to do this automatically is to make a file with only the first column, that is: one NCBI sequence identifier per line, and load it on this page:
You will need to rename the sequences to follow the database name format described in the Formatting database section and add them to your current database.
- Use
to explore hit similarity values per species per site.
For each Barque run, three files are written in the 99_logfiles
Each contain a timestamp with the time of the run:
- The exact barque config file that has been used
- The exact primer file as it was used
- The full log of the run
Once the pipeline has been run, it is normal to find that unexpected species
have been found or that a proportion of the reads have not been identified,
either because the sequenced species are absent from the database or because
the sequences have the exact same distance from two or more sequences in the
database. In these cases, you may need to remove unwanted species from the
database or download additional sequences for the non-annotated species from
NCBI to add them to the database. Once the database has been improved, simply
run the pipeline again with this new database. You can putSKIP_DATA_PREP=1
your config file if you wish to avoid repeating the initial data preparation
steps of Barque. You may need to repeat this procedure again until you are
satisfied with the completeness of the results.
NOTE: You should provide justifications in your publications if you decide to remove some species from the database or results based on available knowledge about species distribution.
A test dataset is available as a sister repository on GitHub. It is composed of 10 mitofish-12S metabarcoding samples, each with 10,000 forward and reverse sequence pairs.
Download the repository and then move the data from
to Barque's 04_data
If you have git and Barque's dependencies installed, the following commands will download the Barque repository and the test data and put them in the appropriate folder.
git clone
git clone
cp barque_test_dataset/04_data/* barque/04_data/
To run the analysis, move to the barque
folder and launch:
cd barque
./barque 02_info/
The analysis of this test dataset should take less than a minute.
CC share-alike
Barque by Eric Normandeau is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.