This project illustrates how to build, test, debug, and deploy trading connector for Deltix Execution Server (Ember).
Execution Server is a container of trading algorithms that interface with market using market data and trading connectors.
Each Trading Connector adapts API of specific execution venue to normalized Deltix data model.
For more information see Trade Connector Developer's Guide and Trading Data Model.
- Git on MacOS/Linux - Install Git LFS before cloning
- Download and install Eclipse Temurin JDK 17
You need local installation of Deltix QuantServer.
- QuantServer 5.6 (TimeBase and Aggregator) Installer - Windows
- QuantServer 5.6 (TimeBase and Aggregator) Installer - Linux/MacOS
- Create (if not exist)
and define properties like below:# Deltix Nexus repository credentials NEXUS_USER=username NEXUS_PASS=password # TimeBase serial number serialNumber=XXXX-ABCDFF8CBF0-XXXX # path to dev environment devenvDir=D:/Projects/Deltix # path to TimeBase installation devenvDeltixHome=C:/Deltix/QuantServer # path to Java 17 JDK devenvJavaHome=C:/Program Files/Eclipse Temurin/jdk-
- Execute Gradle task to create dev env:
gradlew clean build buildDevEnv
- Ember configuration: see
See more about Ember Configuration - Logging configuration: see
See more about Garbage Free Log
- Navigate to
- Open QuantServer Architect via
- Launch TimeBase (via context menu on TimeBase bar)
- Launch Ember via
- Launch Ember Monitor via
- Open browser and follow link:
To build all samples and update connectors in dev env - execute the command below:
gradlew clean build updateConnectors
One simple way to debug your connector is running entire Execution Server under debugger.
Create Run configuration inside IntelliJ/IDEA. It uses
as a main class and ember.home
system property that point to ember configuration home.
You can setup breakpoints in your connector and launch EmperApp under debugger.
Deltix FIX connector sample demonstrates how build trade connector for FIX protocol-based API.
In particular this connector allows to connect to Ember FIX Gateway.
See Deltix FIX API.
- Common code for FIX trade connector:
- Deltix FIX 4.4 trade connector:
To deploy your connector to actual server copy JAR files below under lib/custom/
directory of your Ember installation.
The last step is to define your connector in server's ember.conf
(see Dev Env).
Gemini connector sample demonstrates how build trade connector for REST/Websocket-based API.
In particular this connector allows to connect to Gemini Exchange.
- Gemini REST+WS trade connector:
To deploy your connector to actual server copy JAR files below under lib/custom/
directory of your ES installation.
The last step is to define your connector in server's ember.conf
(see Dev Env).
Syneroex connector sample demonstrates how build trade connector against gRPC. \
- Common code for gRPC trade connector:
The last step is to define your connector in server's ember.conf
(see Dev Env).
Please let us know if you have any questions: