Export your outline from WorkFlowy and from Dynalist to various formats including RTF and LaTeX. The extension has a lot of options to create your document, and offers settings to customize your interface.
Choose your format for the output file among :
- Text
- Markdown
- LaTeX
- LaTeX Beamer
You can choose if you output text is indented with space or tabulation or not indented
Able only in Text Format
Choose your style to apply by default to each node of your outline input. "Has nested item" Means that the style will be applied to node who have children node. "Is nested item" Means that the style will be applied to node who are terminal.
All the default style are :
- Heading
- Bullet
- Enumeration
- None
Disable in OPML Format. You can choose your Bullet character for Text Format
If is selected the tag in the outline input will be removed in the output.
If is selected the output keep the note.
If is selected the output will insert an additional line break.
Disable in Format Markdown and LaTeX.
If is selected the exporting apply some Markdown rules :
- code : `code`
- link : [google](www.google.fr)
- image : 
- text formatting : __bold__ *Italic* ~strikethrough~
- Alias for Heading, Bullet and Enumeration styles
If is selected the exporting apply some rules define by Tag in the input outline.
If is selected the output doesn't contain header and footer.
Disable in Format Text and Markdown.
If is selected the output keep the information if a node are completed or not.
Disable in Format Text and Markdown.
You can add find and replace rules for changing the output text.
You can save your all the options you have chosen into a profile and re-load it after. At plus, you have the possibility to export/import your profiles via a JSON file.
- Refresh : will apply the rule you have selected.
- Copy : will copy your output
- Download : will download your output
- Reload outline : will update your input from WorkFlowy or Dynalist
- Import OPML : will update your input by giving an OPML file
- Paste OPML : will update your input by pasting an OPML file
You can choose the size when the export window is open among :
- Relative to browser
- Maximised
- Remember Size
- None (Quick Mode)
The "Quick Mode" will export your outline with the last profile you use, are useless without the option "Auto-copy" or "Auto-download".
- Auto-refresh : will refresh every time your profile change.
- Auto-copy : will copy your output at each export.
- Auto-download : will download your output at each export.
Somme option for customize your export window.
- Font : the font family use in the export window for display the output.
- Font size : the font size use in the export window for display the output.
- Expand format choice : if you want to expand the format choice as radio button or keep it as a select list.
You can add your own tag you currently use in your outline and by what it should be replaced for exporting.