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SCM Compliance

A library and utility for reading and converting RVM files.

Library supports .NET 8.0+ and .NET Standard 2.1

This repo also contains a pipeline for converting from Rvm to the Reveal file format. See CadRevealComposer

RvmSharp Dependencies


To read an RVM file:

using var stream = File.OpenRead(rvmFilename);
RvmFile rvmFile = RvmParser.ReadRvm(stream);

To tessellate:

var rvmStore = new RvmStore();
var leafs = rvmStore.RvmFiles.SelectMany(rvm => rvm.Model.Children.SelectMany(CollectGeometryNodes)).ToArray();

private static IEnumerable<RvmNode> CollectGeometryNodes(RvmNode root)
    if (root.Children.OfType<RvmPrimitive>().Any())
        yield return root;
    foreach (var geometryNode in root.Children.OfType<RvmNode>().SelectMany(CollectGeometryNodes))
        yield return geometryNode;

RvmSharp.Exe is a sample application using RvmSharp to process and export triangulated OBJ models.

# Run the command below to see the required arguments.
dotnet.exe run --configuration Release --project "RvmSharp.Exe/RvmSharp.Exe.csproj" -- --help # Replace '--help' with your arguments.

Cad Reveal Composer

The CAD Reveal Composer is a fast converter for RVM files into the Reveal formats used by the cognite/reveal 3D Viewer.

Invoke from CLI

dotnet run -c Release --project "..\rvmsharp\CadRevealComposer.Exe" -i $AFolderWithRvmAndTxtFiles -o pathto/reveal/examples/public/primitives --ProjectId 1 --ModelId 1 --RevisionId 1

Example Data

Equinor has published the Huldra dataset, including RVM files to the public.

Visit this link and create a user to download a complete source dataset of an oil platform, including RVM files that can be used with rvmsharp.


If you find some nice optimizations or tricks, do not hesitate to create an issue discussing if it should be contributed to the rvmsharp project.

While any contributions are appreciated please make an issue to discuss the approach before coding a major change. This helps both us and you set expectations :)


We use csharpier for formatting.

You can run it manually by running the following in your command line.

dotnet tool restore
dotnet csharpier .

Install the addon for your IDE, and enable formatting when saving files to avoid spending time on formatting!

You need to run dotnet tool restore to install and update csharpier for the IDE addons to work as expected.

Releasing NuGet

To update the RvmSharp package on nuget check the internal docs:


This project is based on rvmparser by @cdyk

This repository contains sample data from the Equinor ASA - Huldra Dataset A copy of the Huldra dataset license can be found here.