Erachain software is a feature rich blockchain platform with built-in functions and dApps. This is the canonical source of ErachainBP where all development takes place.
Keep up with the latest news and articles, and find out all about events happening on the Erachain website.
ErachainBP is a Java application and supported by all operation systems.
- API -
- RPC -
- JS SDK -
All documentation can be found on WIKI.
See folder in source java/org/erachain/dapp
InteliJ IDEA -
Startup Setup - Application and be sure to select the native Java SDK 1.8, you can not use the built-in IDEA! Otherwise
you will get an error when committing the database.
- Use InteliJ IDEA - New > Project from Version Control...
- Choose ERA github
- After load project - import Gradle project
- Install Lombok (Settings - Plugins)
- select Application, set org.erachain.Start
- Set Working Directory for new Application to \ERA
- select ERA_main module
- Select Gradle build
- Set Task: build
- Set Arguments: --exclude-task test
Make in folder file startARGS.txt (see example in z_START_EXAMPLES folder)
The description of the application launch keys is in the file:
You can also specify startup keys in startARGS.txt file - see example in startARGS_example.txt
For set version in JAR application set String versionEra =
in file build.gradle
For set version in running from IDEA application set controller.Controller.version
For MapDB to work correctly Java 1.8 (vers 8) is required and the project is built and tested with this version. Otherwise it will cause an error when you commit and close the database:
DCSet.close:1674 - The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user opened mapped section
The node can be built and installed wherever Java can run. To build and test this project, you will have to follow these steps:
Show instructions
1. Setup the environment.
- Install Java for your platform:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre # Ubuntu
# or
# brew cask install adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk8 # Mac
- Install SBT (Scala Build Tool)
Please follow the SBT installation instructions depending on your platform (Linux , Mac , Windows)
2. Clone this repo
git clone
3. Compile and run tests
sbt checkPR
4. Run integration tests (optional)
- Run one test:
sbt node-it/testOnly *.TestClassName
# or
# bash node-it/testOnly full.package.TestClassName
5. Build packages
sbt packageAll # Mainnet
sbt packageAll
βproduces only deb
package along with a fat jar
6. Install DEB package
package is located in target folder. You can replace '*' with actual package name:
sudo dpkg -i node/target/*.deb
Connect to server via SSH.
Install the necessary packages to run a full node.
sudo apt install screen
sudo apt install unzip
sudo apt -y install openjdk-8-jre
Download the full node archive
Unzip the archive and navigate to the folder.
unzip Erachain
cd Erachain
Use the screen program to create a new session
screen -S erachain
Run a full Erachain node. Use the specified parameters:
java -jar erachain.jar -pass=123456789 -seed=1:new:123456789 -nogui -rpc=on -rpcallowed=
If necessary, the values of the following parameters can be changed:
- The -pass parameter contains the password required to unlock the wallet. Replace 123456789 with the value you wish.
- The -seed parameter contains information about the seed and is divided into sub-parameters:
- The first sub-parameter is responsible for the number of accounts to be created.
- The second sub-parameter is responsible for the seed itself. Valid values for this parameter are any existing seed or "new" to create a new seed.
- The third sub-parameter is responsible for the password. Here it's necessary to duplicate the password from the -pass parameter
Collapse the erachain session: Ctrl+A+D
Run a full Erachain node in command line mode:
java -jar erachain.jar -cli
Use this command to unlock the wallet:
post wallet/unlock 123456789
To find out the received address, enter the following:
get addresses
Also, be sure to save seed. You can use it to log in to your web wallet:
get wallet/seed
If you need to restart the machine and then go to the already created wallet, change the startup line a little, because the account information is already saved.
java -jar erachain.jar -pass=123456789 -nogui -rpc=on -rpcallowed=
@blockchain_storage_bot - telegram-bot for auto-storage messages in blockchain Code in Documentation see
Erachain is an open source project and we are very happy to accept community contributions. Please refer to Contributing to GitHub page for more details.
For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
If something isn't clear, feel free to ask by email or Discord.
We are hiring developers, support people, and production engineers all the time. If you're interested, please write to us
ErachainBP server is licensed under the aGPL v3.
(c) 2018-2022 Erachain