This repo is created for learning GO language. It consist of basics of golang and advanced use cases.
- Go Args
- Input using Bufio
- Custom Data types
- File Handling
- Flag Inputs
- Formated Input/Output using fmt
- Logers in Golang
- Primitives and Slices
- Print input/output
- Time handling
- Trace in Golang
- Working with Functions
- Custom Datatypes
- Testing in Golang
- A CLI in goland
- Advanced Branching into Golang
- Channel Basics with PingPong Game
- Channel and Sync Advance Usecases with DB Cache System
- Asynchronous Go Logging
- A true distributed system in go along with in-built load balancing and auto discovery Distributed App in Go
- Microservice in golang basics
- Microservice in golang with Gorilla Framework
- Microservice in golang with Gorilla Framework and Swagger File
- Microservice in golang with Gorilla Framework, Swagger File and Client
- A gRPC based APIs (service and client) with TLS and mTLS setup and automated testing gRPC with mTLS
- Most of above projects and knowledge is coming from Pluralsight Golang Path
- Microservices with Go By Nic Jackson
- Go Testing -
- Using Gin -
- Practical Go-
- Go Security -