Technologies | Project | How to run | License
This project was developed wth the following technologies:
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- npm
- FFmpeg
- FFprobe
- Algorithmia
- Express
- ImageMagick
- Google APIs
- IBM Watson
- Image Downloader
- Readline-sync
- Sentence Boundary Detection (SBD)
- Videoshow
Open source project to make automated videos with robots. These are the robots:
- Input - Asks the term to search and the search prefix
- Text - Fetches content from Wikipedia (text only), sanitizes the content, breaks the content into sentences and fetches keywords of all sentences
- Image - Fetches images of sentences and download all
- Video - Converts all images downloaded, creates images of the sentences, creates video thumbnail and renders the video
- YouTube - Authenticates the user with OAuth, uploads the video and uploads the thumbnail
Also, there is a robot (State) that persists some contents (including the video rendered in content folder).
Download and install Node.js and npm. Read the credentials README for further information about the credentials needed to run the project.
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install the dependencies with
npm install
npm install
- In rooth path of the project, to start the robots, open the terminal and type
node index
NOTE 1: During the YouTube robot execution, you should give your consent to authenticate your user and the robot can upload the video to your account.
NOTE 2: Your video will be available at the link given by the robot.
NOTE 3: The permission given in NOTE 1 can be revoked here.
Licensed under MIT License.