Newlogic is a Circuit Builder / Logic Design Desktop Application (like mmlogic) made with Electron + React Typescript. It's currently compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux.
Newlogic has a modern, clean UI that's easy to use
When you draw a wire, it snaps onto the nearest node
It's free!
sudo npm i -g newlogic
- Download an install a binary / installer from the releases page (Windows and Linux).
- Note: requires a node version >= 6, npm version >= 3 and yarn version >= 1.
First, clone the repo via git:
git clone
And then install dependencies.
$ cd newlogic && yarn
Run these two commands simultaneously in different console tabs.
$ npm run hot-server
$ npm run start-hot
or run two servers with one command
$ npm run dev
To package apps for the local platform:
$ npm run package
To package apps for all platforms:
$ npm run package-all
To package apps with options:
$ npm run package -- --[option]
To run the application without packaging run
$ npm run build
$ npm start
To run unit tests:
npm test
To run End-to-End Test
$ npm run build
$ npm run test-e2e
MIT © 2019 Eric Moynihan
(Boilerplate) MIT © C. T. Lin