A commandline tool to perfom an active security scan against a AEM Dispatcher.
This tool tries to unify all known security relevant AEM Dispatcher URLs from the internet.
If you know some more URLs, please open a Github issue to report them.
Build Docker image
$ make build-docker-image
Run Docker container from built image to print help
$ make run-docker-image
Usage: cli.py [OPTIONS]
Commandline interface for AEM Dispatcher Security Scan
--host TEXT Set host of website. Leave empty to use default value: http://localhost:8080. [required]
--page-path TEXT Set path of website. Leave empty to use default value: /content/geometrixx/en.
--timeout INTEGER Set timeout for http requests in seconds. Leave emtpy to use default value: 10.
--help Show this message and exit.
Run Docker container from built image with custom arguments
$ docker compose \
--file docker-compose.yml \
run \
--rm \
aem-dispatcher-security-scan \
--host "https://www.adobe.com" \
--page-path "/content/geometrixx/en"
Build and launch the DevContainer in VSCode.
- docs.adobe.com
- 0ang3el/aem-hacker
- emadshanab/Adobe-Experience-Manager
- danielmiessler/seclists
- aem-design/ansible-role-aem-security-test
- cognifide/securecq
- perficientdigital.com
- infosecinstitute.com