Please use one of the following projects instead:
- MrChromebox's UEFI/RW_L (turn chromebook into almost a normal laptop):
- FyraLab's submarine (does not require firmware modification):
View the old readme
Distro + toolkit independent GUI apps for EupneaOS and Depthboot.
Written with the kivy python gui framework.
The appimage build scripts is based
on cross-platform-python-gui.
Initial setup app, similar to gnome-initial-setup, but distro-agnostic.
Settings app for Eupnea specific options. Not intended to replace the system settings app.
These apps are not designed/intended to be run on non depthboot systems. DO NOT just run it on your system as it might override some settings and/or damage your OS!!! Run it in a virtual machine.
- Install pip.
- Install kivy with pip:
pip install kivy
- Clone the repo and run the apps with python3.10 or later.