A modern e-commerce platform built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Bluefy Clone allows users to explore different product categories, apply sorting and filtering options, and enjoy a smooth online shopping experience with an intuitive UI.
Bluefy Clone is a fully functional e-commerce website inspired by online shopping platforms. Users can explore a variety of product categories and apply sorting & filtering to refine their choices.
✅ Product Listings: Browse different categories of products.
✅ Add to Cart: Users can select and add products to the cart.
✅ Sorting & Filtering: Filter products based on categories and price range.
✅ Interactive UI: CSS-powered carousel on the landing page.
- HTML - Structure of the website.
- CSS - Styling, animations, and responsiveness.
- JavaScript - Interactivity, sorting, filtering, and dynamic updates.
- DOM Manipulation - For an enhanced user experience.
- Visual Studio Code - For development.
- GitHub - Version control and project management.
- Netlify - Deployment of the live demo.
🚀 Developed with ❤️ by Fatema Menjarwala