Example planet starter site - a Sinatra web app in Ruby using the pluto gem.
class Planet < Sinatra::Base
# Models
include Pluto::Models # e.g. Feed, Item, Site, etc.
# Controllers / Routing / Request Handlers
get '/' do
erb :index
(Source: planet.rb
Sample template snippet:
<h1><%= site.title %></h1>
<% site.items.latest.limit(24).each do |item| %>
<div class='item'>
<h4 class='feed-title'>
<%= link_to item.feed.title, item.feed.url %>
<h2 class='item-title'>
<%= link_to item.title, item.url %>
<div class='item-content'>
<%= item.summary %>
<% end %>
(Source: views/index.erb
See the Planet Ruby running on Heroku.
Clone the pluto.live.starter git repo:
$ git clone git://github.com/feedreader/pluto.live.starter.git
Get all your Ruby libraries (gems) installed using the bundler tool:
$ cd pluto.live.starter
$ bundle install --without production
Note, use the --without production
option for local development
unless you want to install the PostgreSQL (pg) database libraries
and services (required for production on the Heroku hosting service.)
Setup the database and planet feed subscriptions:
$ rake setup PLANET=ruby
Update your planet feeds:
$ rake update
Showtime! Startup the web server:
$ rackup
That's it.
Clone the pluto.live.starter git repo:
$ git clone git://github.com/feedreader/pluto.live.starter.git
Create app on Heroku e.g.
$ cd pluto.live.starter
$ heroku create <YOUR_APP_NAME_HERE>
Upload via
$ git push heroku master
Add the PostgreSQL addon
$ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev
Establish primary database (that is, set DATABASE_URL). Find your POSTGRESQL_URL:
$ heroku config | grep HEROKU_POSTGRESQL
Create database andd add planet feed subscriptions on first upload via
$ heroku run rake setup PLANET=ruby
Update feeds
$ heroku run rake update
Showtime! That's it.
Add a scheduler job to update feeds via rake update
hourly, daily, etc.
The pluto
scripts are dedicated to the public domain.
Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.
Send them along to the wwwmake Forum/Mailing List. Thanks!