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This is a k6 extension using the xk6 system, that allows to connect with Azure ServiceBus.

❗ This extension isn't supported by the k6 team, and may break in the future. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!


To build a k6 binary with this extension, first ensure you have the prerequisites:

  1. Install xk6 framework for extending k6:
go install
  1. Build the binary:
xk6 build --with
  1. Run a test
k6 run -e CONNECTION_STRING=your_azure_service_bus_connection_string your_tests.js

You can find some example javascript files in the examples folder.



A ServiceBus instance represents the connection with the Azure ServiceBus service and it is created with new ServiceBus(configuration), where configuration attributes are:

Attribute Description
connectionString (mandatory) is the Azure ServiceBus connection string you can find in the azure portal
timeout (optional) is the operations timeout in millis
insecureSkipVerify (optional) if true it will allow untrusted certificates in connections


import { ServiceBus } from 'k6/x/azservicebus';

const config = {
    connectionString: __ENV.CONNECTION_STRING,
    timeout: 30000,

const servicebus = new ServiceBus(config);

When you finish using the ServiceBus instance, you should close it using the close() method:

export function teardown() {


To send messages to Azure ServiceBus you have to create a new sender using the createSender(topicOrQueue) method of the ServiceBus instance. The topicOrQueue parameter is the name of the topic or the queue where the messages will be sent:

const sender = servicebus.createSender('test-topic');
// or
const sender = servicebus.createSender('test-queue');

Then, you can send messages to a topic or a queue using the following functions:

Function Description
send(string) sends a string message to a topic or a queue
sendMessage(message) sends a Message object to a topic or a queue
sendBatch(string[]) sends a batch of string messages to a topic or a queue
sendBatchMessages(message[]) sends a batch of Message objects to a topic or a queue


const sender = servicebus.createSender('test-topic');

sender.send('hello azure service bus!');
sender.sendBatch(['hello azure service bus!', 'hello again!']);
  subject: 'my subject',
  bodyAsString: 'hello azure service bus!'
    subject: 'my subject',
    bodyAsString: 'hello azure service bus!'
    subject: 'my subject',
    bodyAsString: 'hello again!'


Once you have finished using the sender, you should close it using the close() method:


And the Message object has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
applicationProperties (optional) is a map of string key/value pairs
body (mandatory if bodyAsString has not been specified) is the message body in byte array format
bodyAsString (mandatory if body has not been specified) is the message body in string format
contentType (optional) is the content type of the message
correlationID (optional) is the correlation ID of the message
messageID (optional) is the message ID
partitionKey (optional) is the partition key
sessionID (optional) is the session ID
subject (optional) is the subject of the message
timeToLive (optional) is the time to live of the message
to (optional) is the destination of the message


To receive messages from Azure ServiceBus you have to create a new queue receiver using the createQueueReceiver(queue) method of the ServiceBus instance, or createSubscriptionReceiver(topic, subscription) method to create a subscription receiver. The queue parameter is the name of the queue where the messages will be received, and the topic and subscription parameters are the name of the topic and the subscription where the messages will be received:

const receiver = servicebus.createQueueReceiver('test-queue');
// or
const receiver = servicebus.createSubscriptionReceiver('test-topic', 'test-subscription');

Then, you can receive messages from a queue or a subscription using the following functions:

Function Description
getMessage() receives a ReceivedMessage from a queue or a subscription
getMessages(maxMessages) receives an array of ReceivedMessage from a queue or a subscription
const receiver = servicebus.createQueueReceiver('test-queue');

const message = receiver.getMessage();
check(message, {
  'Is expected message': (m) => m.bodyAsString === expectedMessage,


Once you have finished using the receiver, you should close it using the close() method:


And the ReceivedMessage object has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
applicationProperties is a map of string key/value pairs
body is the message body in byte array format
bodyAsString is the message body in string format
contentType is the content type of the message
correlationID is the correlation ID of the message
deadLetterErrorDescription is the error description of the dead letter message
deadLetterReason is the reason of the dead letter message
deadLetterSource is the source of the dead letter message
deliveryCount is the delivery count of the message
enqueuedSequenceNumber is the enqueued sequence number of the message
enqueuedTime is the enqueued time of the message
expiresAt is the expiration time of the message
lockedUntil is the locked until time of the message
messageID is the message ID
partitionKey is the partition key
replyTo is the reply to destination of the message
replyToSessionID is the reply to session ID of the message
scheduledEnqueueTime is the scheduled enqueue time of the message
sequenceNumber is the sequence number of the message
sessionID is the session ID
state is the state of the message
subject is the subject of the message
timeToLive is the time to live of the message
to is the destination of the message


The source code of this project is released under the MIT License.