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Prune Graph

Fast pruning of weighted graphs with optional filtering.


Clone repository:

$ git clone

and compile:

$ cargo build --release

To run the tests:

$ cargo test


$ ./target/release/prune_graph --in input.tsv --out out.keep


$ zcat input.tsv.gz | ./target/release/prune_graph > out.keep

To plot the graph (optional)

$ cat | dot -Tsvg > out.svg

If you want to get a full list of option, just run:

$ ./target/release/prune_graph --help

Input data

As input, you need a TSV file (with or without header) with, at least, three columns. The first two columns must be the node names (defining an edge), and an additional column with the edge's weight (can be specified with --weight_field).

Transform input data

If you want to transform input data, you can use any CSV manipulation tool (e.g. Miller or CSVtk). For example, to use absolute values on column 5:

$ cat test/example.tsv | mlr --tsv --implicit-csv-header put '$5 = abs($5)' | ./target/release/prune_graph --header [...]

Filter edges

To filter edges, you can use option --weight-filter with any expression supported by fasteval. For example, to use column 7 as weight and only consider edges > 0.2:

$ cat test/example.tsv | ./target/release/prune_graph --weight-field "column_7" --weight-filter "column_7 > 0.2" --out out.keep

or, if also wanted to filter on column_3 > 1000:

$ cat test/example.tsv | ./target/release/prune_graph --weight-field "column_7" --weight-filter "column_3 > 1000 && column_7 > 0.2" --out out.keep

or, if you want to only use 0.1 < weight > 0.2:

$ cat test/example.tsv | ./target/release/prune_graph --weight-field "column_7" --weight-filter "column_3 > 1000 && (column_7 < 0.1 || column_7 > 0.2)" --out out.keep


The output will be a list of the remaining nodes after pruning. Optionally, you can also get a list of the nodes that were removed (--out-excl).


Due to the way prune_graph is parallelized, its performance is strongly dependent on the degree of connectivity of the graph (see examples below).

Random function
shuf_seed () {
    SEED=$1; shift
    shuf --random-source <(openssl enc -aes-256-ctr -pass pass:$SEED -nosalt </dev/zero 2>/dev/null) $@

Example 1 - Large number of components

Random large graph
$ N_NODES=10000000
$ N_EDGES=5000000
$ seq --equal-width 1 $N_NODES | xargs printf "node_%s\n" > /tmp/nodes.rnd
$ paste <(shuf_seed 123 --repeat --head-count $N_EDGES /tmp/nodes.rnd) <(shuf_seed 456 --repeat --head-count $N_EDGES /tmp/nodes.rnd) | awk '{OFS="\t"; print $0,rand()}' > example_large.tsv
Mode 1
$ ./target/release/prune_graph -i example_large.tsv --mode 1 -v | wc -l
[2025-01-13 10:02:18.548784 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] prune_graph v0.3.4
[2025-01-13 10:02:18.548891 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Reading input file "example_large.tsv"
[2025-01-13 10:02:24.710818 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Graph has 6321958 nodes with 5000000 edges (1321959 components)
[2025-01-13 10:02:24.749254 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Pruning heaviest position (1 threads)
[2025-01-13 10:02:59.512325 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Pruned 2774401 nodes in 34s (79808.90 nodes/s); 3547557 nodes remaining with 12385 edges (351 components)
[2025-01-13 10:03:12.177538 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Pruning complete in 153 iterations! Final graph has 3541739 nodes with 0 edges
[2025-01-13 10:03:12.177562 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Saving remaining nodes
[2025-01-13 10:03:17.491300 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Total runtime: 0.97 mins
Mode 2
$ ./target/release/prune_graph -i example_large.tsv --mode 2 -v 2>&1 | head -n 5
[2025-01-13 10:03:37.628890 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] prune_graph v0.3.4
[2025-01-13 10:03:37.628990 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Reading input file "example_large.tsv"
[2025-01-13 10:03:44.027462 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Graph has 6321958 nodes with 5000000 edges (1321959 components)
[2025-01-13 10:03:44.064497 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Pruning heaviest position (1 threads)
[2025-01-13 10:13:36.945641 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Pruned 100 nodes in 592s (0.17 nodes/s); 6321858 nodes remaining with 4999288 edges (1 components)

Example 2 - Single component

Random 1-component graph
$ N_NODES=100000
$ N_EDGES=5000000
$ seq --equal-width 1 $N_NODES | xargs printf "node_%s\n" > /tmp/nodes.rnd
$ paste <(shuf_seed 123 --repeat --head-count $N_EDGES /tmp/nodes.rnd) <(shuf_seed 456 --repeat --head-count $N_EDGES /tmp/nodes.rnd) | awk '{OFS="\t"; print $0,rand()}' > example_1comp.tsv
Mode 1
$ ./target/release/prune_graph -i example_1comp.tsv --mode 1 -v 2>&1 | head -n 5
[2025-01-13 10:25:33.833721 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] prune_graph v0.3.4
[2025-01-13 10:25:33.833907 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Reading input file "example_1comp.tsv"
[2025-01-13 10:25:38.811380 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Graph has 100000 nodes with 5000000 edges (1 components)
[2025-01-13 10:25:38.811403 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Pruning heaviest position (1 threads)
[2025-01-13 10:30:03.933081 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Pruned 100 nodes in 265s (0.38 nodes/s); 99900 nodes remaining with 4987002 edges (1 components)
Mode 2
$ ./target/release/prune_graph -i example_1comp.tsv --mode 2 -v 2>&1 | head -n 5
[2025-01-13 10:35:03.203061 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] prune_graph v0.3.4
[2025-01-13 10:35:03.203215 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Reading input file "example_1comp.tsv"
[2025-01-13 10:35:09.034611 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Graph has 100000 nodes with 5000000 edges (1 components)
[2025-01-13 10:35:09.034656 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Pruning heaviest position (1 threads)
[2025-01-13 10:36:43.175727 +01:00] T[main] INFO [src/] Pruned 100 nodes in 94s (1.06 nodes/s); 99900 nodes remaining with 4987002 edges (1 components)

Speed-up overview

The speed-up is measured as the average processing speed (nodes / s) over the first 100 iterations.

Example 1 Example 1 Example 2 Example 2
n_threads Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 1 Mode 2
1 79808.90 0.17 0.38 1.06
2 85185.79 0.20 0.44 2.11
3 86654.32 0.18 0.53 3.15
4 87462.56 0.19 0.51 3.90
5 89489.18 0.19 0.52 4.46
6 91585.70 0.18 0.53 5.34
7 91624.45 0.18 0.53 6.21
8 91608.91 0.19 0.55 6.37
9 91013.38 0.18 0.55 7.09
10 92407.16 0.18 0.54 7.89
15 92844.73 0.17 0.56 9.36
20 92003.05 0.18 0.56 10.52


Fast prunning of graphs based on node weights






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