The TapiSDK for iOS is a wrapper around the Terminal API for payment processing for legacy Fivestars integrators including loyalty with cPay.
- DocC documentation available here
The TapiSDK can be integrated using Swift Package Manager or through CocoaPods.
.package(url: "", exact: "0.0.6"),
# Ensure you have the following source defined in your Podfile.
# Note: You will also need to define the main CP trunk as well - ''
source ""
# Specify the TapiSDK as a dependency
pod 'TapiSDK', :git => '', :tag => '0.0.6'
Note: You will also need to ensure BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION
is set to YES
and that you have use_frameworks!
defined in your Podfile.
If using Cocoapods v1.10
and higher, you can enable BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION
at the project level under Build Settings
and Cocoapods will ingerit it upon pod update/install
. You can also use the following post-install
routine as well for any version of Cocoapods.
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'
- Xcode 13 or later
- Deployment target iOS 13 or later
As mentioned prior, the main documentation is distributed with this repo via a DocC Archive and can be found here.
// A normal implementation to process a transaction through `TapiSDK` would be as follows.
// After conforming to the `TapiDelegate` protocol and implementing the required delegate methods.
// Step 1: Initialize a `TapiManager` with an appropriate `TapiConfiguration`
let configuration = TapiConfiguration(environment: environment,
softwareID: softwareID,
apiKey: apiKey,
apiSecret: apiSecret,
terminalID: terminalID,
posID: posID,
skipOptions: skipOptions)
let tapiManager = TapiManager(configuration, delegate: self)
// Step 2: Listen for `TapiEvent`s to be sent back via the delegate method and take action appropriately.
func tapiManager(_ tapiManager: TapiSDK.TapiManager, didSendEvent event: TapiSDK.TapiEvent) { }
// Step 2a: Send any necessary `TapiAction`s as needed to the cPay device or perform a refund through the `refund` method.
tapiManager.sendAction(.toggleScreensaver(true)) // Turns the screensaver on.
tapiManager.sendAction(.toggleScreensaver(false)) // Turns the screensaver off.
// Step 3: Initiate a checkout request through the `checkout` method of the `TapiManager`
transactionType: transactionType)
// Step 3a: Send commands such as `cancelCurrentCheckout` or `changePaymentType` as needed.
// Step 4: Issue a `resetSession` command upon exiting the POS register screen, etc. Possibly only initializing the object when the cashier is in the actual checkout screens of the POS app.