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Convolution Neural Network Training in C

This is the 2nd part of my thesis work and continuation of Convolution-Neural-Network-Training.

The current network for CNN training with Mini-Batch Gradient Descent is developed on C and trained with the MNIST data set. It consists of a Convolutional layer with 12 3×3 filters initialized with He initialization using Relu as activation function, a Maxpool layer with pool size 2, and a fully connected layer using SoftMax as activation function. To measure the accuracy of the network, the Categorical Cross-Entropy Loss function is used. The training parameters that were used for the results presented are: batch size= 4, learning rate=0.01, momentum 0.9, decay 0.00005, epoch 20 and iterations 2000.

network image

Small cnn training running on MNIST Results:

------Epoch :1----- average loss: 0.300562 accuracy: 90.56 % Conv - avg_val = -0.003535 fc - avg_val = 0.000005

------Epoch :2----- average loss: 0.197186 accuracy: 93.87 % Conv - avg_val = -0.008266 fc - avg_val = 0.000005

------Epoch :3----- average loss: 0.150811 accuracy: 95.36 % Conv - avg_val = -0.015109 fc - avg_val = 0.000005

------Epoch :4----- average loss: 0.122404 accuracy: 96.25 % Conv - avg_val = -0.018762 fc - avg_val = 0.000005

------Epoch :5----- average loss: 0.102462 accuracy: 96.88 % Conv - avg_val = -0.019427 fc - avg_val = 0.000005

------Epoch :6----- average loss: 0.087829 accuracy: 97.35 % Conv - avg_val = -0.016657 fc - avg_val = 0.000005

------Epoch :7----- average loss: 0.077108 accuracy: 97.69 % Conv - avg_val = -0.017337 fc - avg_val = 0.000005

------Epoch :8----- average loss: 0.068257 accuracy: 97.97 % Conv - avg_val = -0.015872 fc - avg_val = 0.000005

------Epoch :9----- average loss: 0.061224 accuracy: 98.19 % Conv - avg_val = -0.013994 fc - avg_val = 0.000005

------Epoch :10----- average loss: 0.055467 accuracy: 98.37 % Conv - avg_val = -0.013158 fc - avg_val = 0.000005

Time elapsed: 313.28600


Convolution neural network training in C






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