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Generate e-invoices (E-Rechnung in German) conforming to EN16931 (Factur-X/ZUGFeRD, UBL, CII, XRechnung aka X-Rechnung) from LibreOffice Calc/Excel data or JSON.


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Free and open source tool chain for generating EN16931 conforming e-invoices (Factur-X/ZUGFeRD, UBL, CII, XRechnung) from popular spreadsheet formats or JSON.

Supported Formats

You can currently create e-invoices in these formats:

  • CII: customization id
  • Factur-X-Minimum customization id
  • Factur-X-BasicWL customization id
  • Factur-X-Basic-WL is an alias for Factur-X-BasicWL
  • Factur-X-Basic customization id ''
  • Factur-X-EN16931 customization id
  • Factur-X-Comfort is an alias for Factur-X-EN16931
  • Factur-X-Extended customization id
  • Factur-X-XRechung customization id
  • UBL: customization customization id
  • XRECHNUNG-CII: customization id
  • XRECHNUNG-UBL: customization id
  • ZUGFeRD-Minimum is an alias for Factur-X-Minimum
  • ZUGFeRD-BasicWL is an alias for Factur-X-BasicWL
  • ZUGFeRD-Basic-WL is an alias for Factur-X-BasicWL
  • ZUGFeRD-Basic is an alias for Factur-X-Basic
  • ZUGFeRD-EN16931 is an alias for Factur-X-EN16931
  • ZUGFeRD-Comfort is an alias for Factur-X-EN16931
  • ZUGFeRD-Extended is an alias for Factur-X-Extended
  • ZUGFeRD-XRechung is an alias for Factur-X-XRechnung

Case does not matter, when you specify a format.

Using the software

Currently, the only way to use the software is to run the server providing the REST API and sending requests to the server.

This may eventually change in the future, when a commandline interface will be added.


The service in its current state is meant to be run in a network with limited access or behind an API gateway that prevents abuse of the service.

One simple solution is to use ngninx as a gateway and configure rate-limiting there. You will also want to limit the maximum request body size.


This repository is an attempt to aid small businesses, especially in France and Germany but also in other parts of the European Union to create e-invoices conforming with EN16931 with only free and open-source software.

It is quite unlikely that you can use anything here out of the box. See it as a starter template for your own solution.


See the E-Invoice-EU online documentation.

The blog post Creating E-Invoices with Free and Open Source Software or the German version Elektronische Rechnungen mit freier und quelloffener Software erzeugen also provides in-depth information using a gentler approach!


You can achieve similar results with these projects:


  • NodeJS 17 or newer (currently tested with NodeJS 18, 20, and 22)
  • A package manager like bun, npm, yarn, pnpm, ...


$ bun install

This may warn about "husky" missing. Just run bun install again in order to fix this.

If you do not like bun, replace it with npm, yarn, pnpm or whatever is currently hyped.

Running the app

# development
$ bun run start

# watch mode
$ bun run start:dev

# production mode
$ bun run start:prod


# unit tests
$ bun run test

# e2e tests
$ bun run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ bun run test:cov

Running in a Container

By far the easiest way is to run the application in a software container.

Pull the Docker image:

$ docker pull gflohr/e-invoice-eu:latest

Run the container:

$ docker run -it --rm -d -p 3000:3000 --name e-invoice-eu gflohr/e-invoice-eu:1.0.0

If you want to debug issues, omit the option -d so that you can see the output of the application running inside of the container.

Access the application from your host computer:

$ curl http://localhost:3000/api/format/list

Or you can see the OpenAPI/Swagger documentation:

curl http://localhost:3000/api

It probably makes more sense to open that URL in the browser.

See the documentation for information on how to create e-invoices with the API.


Report a Bug

Please report bugs at


The Factur-X resp. ZUGFeRD standard requires PDF/A compliance for the PDF that the invoice is wrapped in. Please search the internet if you do not know what PDF/A means.

This library creates PDFs solely with pdf-lib and does some pretty complicated transformations on the PDF to achieve PDF/A compliance. This is not battle tested and may fail.

If you encounter a PDF that does not meet the PDF/A requirements, please open an issue and attach an anonymized version of the PDF. What you can do in the meantime:

  • If you have GhostScript installed, convert the PDF to PDF/A with this command: gs -dVERBOSE -dPDFA=3 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=OUTPUT_FILE.pdf INPUT_FILE.pdf
  • Try to create the PDF again with LibreOffice.
  • If the normal settings in LibreOffice do not work, enable PDF/A support (in the General section of the PDF options).
  • If you want to automate the process, you can start LibreOffice in headless mode on the commandline: libreoffice --headless "-env:UserInstallation=file:///tmp/LibreOffice_Conversion_${USER}" --convert-to 'pdf:writer_pdf_Export:{"SelectPdfVersion":{"type":"long","value":"3"}}' SOURCE_FILE.ods

On Un*x systems, libreoffice should be in your $PATH. On MacOS, you will find it under /Applications/ On MS Windows, it is probably somewhere like C:\\Program Files\\LibreOffice\\libreoffice.exe (corrections are welcome).


This is free software available under the terms of the WTFPL.


This free software has been written with the greatest possible care, but like all software it may contain errors. Use at your own risk! There is no warranty and no liability.