Fast Project Setup Using Tmux and Tmuxinator
This repository contains the Tmuxinator configuration files used to setup Tmux sessions for all the research papers, presentations, and software development projects of Gregory M. Kapfhammer. If you would like to learn more about Tmuxinator, then please visit the Tmuxinator site. Essentially, Tmuxinator allows you to write configuration files that support the quick and repeatable setup of a well-structured Tmux session. If you are new to Tmux and the joys of using a "terminal multiplexor", then please visit the Tmux site and read some of the online articles about this tool. Please note that all the Tmuxinators in this repository are "hard-coded" to work for my development environment and projects. Even though they are heavily customized, my hope is that they will give examples of different facets of Tmuxinator (e.g., the layout specification strings).
You can type the following command if you want to clone this repository:
git clone
Now, you can type cd tmuxinators
and start to browse the Tmuxinator
configuration files that are available. I suggest that you make symbolic links
from the .tmuxinator
directory to this repository if you want to create and
use these configuration files in a disciplined fashion. For example, when you
type the following command in the .tmuxinator
directory, it will make a
symbolic link to the Weechat.yml
file that is in this repository that is
stored inside of the configure
ln -s /home/gkapfham/configure/tmuxinators/systems/Weechat.yml Weechat.yml
This repository is also setup to take advantage of the stow
command for
automatically creating the symbolic links in the specified .tmuxinator
directory. For instance, typing the following command would create all the
symbolic links for the Tmuxinators in the papers
stow papers -t ~/.tmuxinator
If you want to create the required symlinks for all of the tmuxinators that are available in this repository, then you can type the command:
make tmuxinators
If you have any problems with using these Tmuxinator configuration files, then
please raise an issue associated with this Git repository using the "Issues"
link at the top of this site. As the sole contributor to the tmuxinator
repository, I will do everything possible to resolve your issue and ensure that
all of the Tmuxinator configurations are clear and, potentially, best suited to
working in your development environment. Remember, this repository is being made
publicly available so as to provide examples of how to write Tmuxinator
configurations. If you find that these files help you in preparing your own
Tmuxinator configurations, then I also encourage you to "star" and "watch" this