The protoc-gen-ent
can generate ent's schemas.
A project may have services that require or do not require ORM.
For services that do not require ORM, can define them in protobuf.
This will cause handwritten protobuf .proto
file is inconsistent with the handwritten ent schema .go
If can generate ent's schema .go
from protobuf .proto
, In this way, all data structs and services will be as consistent as possible.
The protoc-gen-ent
is such a tool.
Can see Makefile
Can directly:
go install
go get
go run init Todo
rm ./ent/schema/todo.go
protoc --proto_path=. \
--proto_path=./third_party \
--go_out=paths=source_relative:. \
Enum more detailed handling.
Support Value, JSON, Custom ID, Hook.