Gorma is a storage generator for goa.
Note: Gorma is not compatible with Goa v2 or v3 and requires v1.
Gorma uses a custom goa
DSL to generate a working storage system for your API.
Gorma generates Go code that uses gorm to access your database, therefore it is quite opinionated about how the data access layer is generated.
By default, a primary key field is created as type int
with name ID. Also Gorm's magic date stamp fields created_at
, updated_at
and deleted_at
are created. Override this behavior with the Automatic* DSL functions on the Store.
Use the BuildsFrom
and RendersTo
DSL to have Gorma generate translation functions to translate your model
to Media Types and from Payloads (User Types). If you don't have any complex business logic in your controllers, this makes a typical controller function 3-4 lines long.
Write a storage definition using DSL from the dsl
package. Example:
var sg = StorageGroup("MyStorageGroup", func() {
Description("This is the global storage group")
Store("mysql", gorma.MySQL, func() {
Description("This is the mysql relational store")
Model("Bottle", func() {
BuildsFrom(func() {
Payload("myresource","actionname") // e.g. "bottle", "create" resource definition
RendersTo(Bottle) // a Media Type definition
Description("This is the bottle model")
Field("ID", gorma.Integer, func() { // Required for CRUD getters to take a PK argument!
Description("This is the ID PK field")
Field("Vintage", gorma.Integer, func() {
SQLTag("index") // Add an index
Field("CreatedAt", gorma.Timestamp)
Field("UpdatedAt", gorma.Timestamp) // Shown for demonstration
Field("DeletedAt", gorma.NullableTimestamp) // These are added by default
See the dsl
GoDoc for all the details and options.
From the root of your application, issue the goagen
command as follows:
$ goagen --design=github.com/gopheracademy/congo/design gen --pkg-path=github.com/goadesign/gorma
Be sure to replace github.com/gopheracademy/congo/design
with the design package of your goa