Inspired by the HTTP 402 Payment Required status code, L402 introduces a novel approach to secure access and dynamic pricing. Whether you’re building a subscription-based platform, a content delivery service, or an API, L402 empowers you to seamlessly integrate payments using the Lightning Network.
L402 Core is a library that bridges the gap between web services, authentication, and payments.
A middleware to secure your endpoints.
import ""
func main() {
minter := YourMacaroonMinter{} // Your l402.MacaroonMinter implementation.
authorizer := YourAccessAuthority{} // Your l402.AccessAuthority implementation.
// Create a L402 proxy by passing a l402.MacaroonMinter and a l402.AccessAuthority.
proxy := l402.Proxy(minter, authorizer)
// Use `proxy` as a middleware to endpoints that require payment.
http.Handle("GET /", proxy(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "premium content")
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", http.DefaultServeMux)
HTTP 402 Integration: L402 leverages the HTTP 402 status code to signal that payment is required to access a resource. Say goodbye to traditional paywalls; L402 brings a more elegant solution.
Macaroons for Authorization: We’ve baked in macaroons! These delightful authorization tokens allow you to package attributes and capabilities alongside your payment request. Dynamic pricing? Check. Automated tier upgrades? Absolutely.
Lightning Network Magic: L402 dances with the Lightning Network. Users pay for services over Lightning, and in return, they receive preimages-cryptographic keys that unlock access. It’s like a secret handshake, but with satoshis.
To use L402 Core you need to provide the L402 middleware a couple of components:
The minter is used by the authentication handler to provide the user a new set of macaroons and an invoice.
type YourMacaroonMinter struct {
// connection to a lighting node
// key storage for macaroon rootKeys
func (m YourMacaroonMinter) MintWithChallenge(r *http.Request) (string, l402.Challenge, error) {
var paymentHash [32]byte
var id [32]byte
// A l402.Identifier is encoded and used as the macaroon's ID.
macaroonID, _ := l402.MarchalIdentifier(l402.Identifier{
PaymentHash: paymentHash, // Hash of the secret revealed by paying the invoice.
ID: id, // An unique ID assigned to this macaroon.
rootKey := []byte("{secret_key}") // A secret key that is used to sign and verify your macaroons.
// Create a macaroon that when paid gives access to the resource requested by: (r *http.Request)
mac, _ := macaroon.New(rootKey, macaroonID, "", macaroon.LatestVersion)
macaroonsBase64, _ := l402.MarshalMacaroons(mac) // Accepts multiple macaroons.
// Provide an invoice from your Lighting node that reveals the secret matching paymentHash.
challenge := l402.Invoice("lnbc20m1pvjluezpp5q...")
return macaroonsBase64, challenge, nil
The L402 middleware uses the access authority to determine if a request should be proxied.
type YourAccessAuthority struct {
// key storage for macaroon rootKeys
func (m YourAccessAuthority) ApproveAccess(r *http.Request, macaroons macaroon.Slice, preimage Hash) l402.Rejection {
for _, macaroon := range macaroons {
identifier, err := UnmarshalIdentifier(macaroon.Id())
// Verify if `identifier.PaymentHash` is equal to `preimage`
// Verify if macaroon is signed by the correct rootKey.
// Here you should determine if the received macaroons give access to the resource requested by: (r *http.Request)
// Return nil if the request is approved.
return errors.New("{rejection reason}")
Pull requests are welcome! If you have ideas for enhancing L402 Core, feel free to fork the repo and submit your changes.
L402 | Because paying for content should be as smooth as a Lightning bolt. ⚡️🌐