A Simple Discord Bot for OCR which is enabled by pytesseract library. Deployable on Heroku (steps to deploy below).
If you just want to add an OCR bot on your server , use this OCR-Bot on top.gg.
As a personal preference, this bot requires no command to do OCR. So add it to a separate channel and make sure other channels are not visible to it.
Clone the repo
Install all the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
These requirements include "opencv-headless", if you are trying it on a machine which doesn't support it, install the normal OpenCV library.
Install tesserct-ocr using this command:
- On Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr
- On Mac
brew install tesseract
- On Windows, download installer from here
- On Ubuntu
Run the python bot using the command:
python bot.py
python3 bot.py
- Uncomment the line as shown below before deploying to Heroku:
Create an account on Heroku
Click on "New" -> "Create new App"
- When you click on "Create App", you'll be greeted with this section :
- Jump to "Settings" where you'll scroll down to see "Config Vars" & "Buildpacks":
Add "Python Buildpack" and the below mentioned buildpack :
After adding both buildpacks, click on "Reveal Config Vars" :
Add the below mentioned "Key = Value" Pair :
TESSDATA_PREFIX = ./.apt/usr/share/tesseract-ocr/4.00/tessdata
After adding both Buildpacks and Config variables, we're now ready to deploy.
Follow the Steps given in "Deploy" section of your Heroku app.
Changing it to "heroku-18" made it work for me.
Type in the first three commands in your bot directory (assuming you have heroku CLI installed) :
heroku login
git init
heroku git:remote -a "Your-app-name"
Before the "git add ." command, use this command to change the stack to "heroku-18"
heroku stack:set heroku-18
- Then you can proceed with the commands :
git add .
git commit -am "make it better"
git push heroku master
It'll take time to push the bot to heroku. Be patient.
After the build has succeeded, you can go and start your bot by going into "resources" tab and turning the "bot.py" worker ON.
- Click on the edit icon and turn the bot ON.