# Project Description Project name: Simulation of Processes in Distributed Data Stores
Project participants: Galyna Zholtkevych, Kyrylo Rukkas, and Grygoriy Zholtkevych (g.zholtkevych@karazin.ua)
Institution: Department of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science, School of Mathematics and Computer Science at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Project has been started at September, 2016
The goal of the project: to develop the simulation framework for study processes in distributed data stores and establish quantitative laws related with CAP-theorem.
Folders and files:
- README.md is this file
is the folder containing model files - concepts.uxf contains the conceptual model of the simulation - concepts.pdf contains the conceptual model in pdf-format
3. papers
is the folder containing tex-files of papers written during
the project
4. dds_simulation
is the folder containing sources of python modules
implementing the DDS-simulator and other needed python files