Mass endpoint fuzzing tool
βββ(rootπh4rithd)-[/opt/imp-fuzzer] π v0.1
ββ# ./imp-fuzzer -h
usage: -uL [URLList.txt] -w [Wordlist.txt]
---------------| Mass endpoint fuzzing tool |----------------
_ __
(_) / _|
_ _ __ ___ _ __ | |_ _ _ ___________ _ __
| | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ | _| | | |_ /_ / _ \ '__|
| | | | | | | |_) | | | | |_| |/ / / / __/ |
|_|_| |_| |_| .__/ |_| \__,_/___/___\___|_|
| | V 0.1
---| Combination of gobuster + dirsearch + ffuf
[!] Required arguments:
-uL , --urllist Target URLs file
-w , --wordlist Path to the wordlist
[!] Optional arguments:
-e , --extensions Extension list separated by commas (Example: php,asp)
-xs , --exstatuscodes
Exclude status codes, separated by commas
-t , --threads Number of threads (Default: 40)
-ua , --useragent Choose a User-Agent for each request (Default: Samsung Galaxy A20)
[!] Available tools:
-di, --dirsearch Use dirsearch (Default)
-go, --gobuster Use gobuster
-ff, --ffuf Use ffuf
---------------- Script from ----------------