Develop a script that takes live video feed from Webcam, detects Green Ball, displays the status (Position, Presence and Area covered by the Green Ball). Integrate the script to a Web Interface
- OpenCV
- Flask
- Numpy
- Install the Modules, using the commands:
pip install opencv-python
pip install flask
pip install numpy
- If the repository is cloned locally, simply use the command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Use the command:
git clone
- Run
- Navigate to
in the browser to check the script
Members | Mentors | |||
Hariket Sheth | Nimish Kashyap | Nitesh Kumar | Ashiq Abdul Khader | Ishika Naik |
Subtask 1 - Green Ball Detection
Developed First Module that takes video feeds from the camera and detects the green ball.
- OpenCV
- For Installation: Use the following command.
pip install opencv-python
- Usage:
import cv2 as cv
# Or Simply, import the module as:
import cv2
- Using cv2.VideoCapture() and read() getting a live video, and reading the frames. Converting them to HSV color-space = cv.VideoCapture(0)
response, frame =
frame_hsv = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
- Then, threshold the HSV image for a range of green color
green_L_hsv = (39, 140, 50)
green_U_hsv = (80, 255, 255)
- Extract the Green object & Enhancing the Object mask by use of Erode() and Dilation()
green_extract = cv.inRange(frame_hsv,green_L_hsv,green_U_hsv)
green_extract = cv.erode(green_extract, None, iterations=2)
green_extract = cv.dilate(green_extract, None, iterations=2)
- For the circular outline / boundary of the Green Ball, using findContours()
boundary, hierarchy= cv.findContours(green_extract.copy(), cv.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE), (int(x), int(y)), int(radius),(255, 255, 255), 5)
- Using cv2.imshow() method to show the frames in the video until user presses 'd'.
cv.imshow("window2", green_extract)
if cv.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('d'):
Subtask 2 - Integrating to Web Interface using Flask
Used the Flask Module of Python to integrate Green Ball Detection script to a web interface
- OpenCV
- Flask
- Numpy
- For Installation: Use the following commands.
pip install opencv-python
pip install flask
pip install numpy
- Usage:
import cv2 as cv
import flask as fsk
import numpy as np
# Or Simply, import the modules as:
import cv2
import flask
import numpy
- Importing the camera module created in Subtask-1 and creating a Flask instance by passing
(name of the current Python Module).
from camera import Video
import flask as fsk
app = fsk.Flask(__name__)
- Creating App Routes for Web Interface.
denotes the Index/ Homepage.- The gen() function continuously returns frames from the camera. It calls the main_exec() method, and then it yields frame with a content type of image/jpeg.
def index():
return fsk.render_template('index.html')
def gen(camera):
while True:
frame = camera.main_exec()
yield (b'--frame\r\n' b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + frame + b'\r\n')
- The
route returns instance of the Camera to gen(). The mimetype argument is set to the multipart/x-mixed-replace. mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame
- This Mimetype replaces the previous frame and setting the boundary = frame
def video_feed():
return fsk.Response(gen(Video()),mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame')
- Creating the App Routes for Getting the Font and Redirecting the WebPage to Github Repo.
def font():
filename = 'static/Azonix.otf'
return fsk.send_file(filename, mimetype='font/otf')
def github():
return fsk.redirect("")
- Running the Flask App using run()
Subtask 3 - Displaying the status of the Green ball (Presence, Area Covered & Position)
Integrating the Module created in Subtask-1 and displaying the status of the Green ball on the Web Interface created in Subtask-2
- OpenCV
- Flask
- Numpy
- For Installation: Use the following commands.
pip install opencv-python
pip install flask
pip install numpy
- Usage:
import cv2 as cv
import flask as fsk
import numpy as np
# Or Simply, import the modules as:
import cv2
import flask
import numpy
- If the 'area' recieved from the
script is not NULL or 0.0 then we add "%" symbol to the value. Setting thepresent
variable as FALSE initially.
def status():
present = "FALSE"
global area
if area != '0.0' and area!="NULL":
if " %" not in area:
area+=" %"
area = "NULL"
- If the position is not NULL, then it implies Green Ball is Present. Else the Green Ball is not present.
if (position!="NULL"):
present = "TRUE"
present = "FALSE"
print(present, position, area)
return fsk.jsonify(present = present, position = position, area = area)
- The parameters
are shown in the Table using JQuery
<td id="present_f" style="color: #d9534f; font-weight: bolder;"></td>
<td id="present_t" style="color: #5cb85c; font-weight: bolder;"></td>
<td id="area_f" style="color: #d9534f; font-weight: bolder;"></td>
<td id="area_t" style="color: #5cb85c; font-weight: bolder;"></td>
<td>Nearest Corner</td>
<td id="position_f" style="color: #d9534f; font-weight: bolder;"></td>
<td id="position_t" style="color: #5cb85c; font-weight: bolder;"></td>
- If the parameter "present" value is "FALSE", then the visibility of elements with ID "present_f, position_f, area_f" is changed to show()
- And the visibility of elements with ID "present_t, position_t, area_t" is set to hide()
- If the parameter "present" value is "TRUE", then the visibility of elements with ID "present_t, position_t, area_t" is changed to show()
- And the visibility of elements with ID "present_f, position_f, area_f" is set to hide()
$(document).ready(function() {
$.getJSON('/status' ,
function(parameters) {
if(parameters.present =="FALSE"){
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 500);