Udacity VR Developer NanoDegree : Project 6 Tic-Tac-Toe by Helen Nicholson
This project is part of Udacity's VR Developer Nanodegree.
- Unity 2017.1.0
- GVR Unity SDK v1.70.0
- tested on iPhone7
Performance Optimisations
- High polygon models swapped for low polygon models
- Individual materials for objects replaced with provided atlas.
- Static objects set to static
- Lighting in the scene set to baked
- Scripts - holdpiece.cs - physics to hover selected counter - moved to FixedUpdate() from Update()
- Particles on grid plates altered
Possible future enhancements
- Script - holdpiece.cs - implement lerp instead of AddForce for physics movement - hover counter on click select
- Script - GameLogic - checkForVictory() - use 2D array matching instead of single array - matrix matching