pypa/hatch#1130 and pypa/hatch#1305
git clone
cd hatching_test
# to re-create the issue
# issue caused due to tox installing from sdist, to recreate directly
python -m build . --sdist
pip install dist/footest-1.0.tar.gz
# the following works
pip install .
> python -m footest
# importing footest
> ls ~/miniconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/footest
FooSans __pycache__ stylelib
# the following works (dev install)
pip install -e .
> python -m footest
# importing footest
> ls ~/miniconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/footest
FooSans stylelib
# if workaround of removing the follow is used, then the `pip install .` doesn't work anymore
"external/stylelib" = "src/foo/stylelib"
pip install .
> python -m footest
# importing footest
> ls ~/miniconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/footest __pycache__
# the force included folders are missing