Emulators for 8080-, 6502, Z80 and TMS1000-family CPUs.
All components/modules/projects are a work in progress and by no means feature complete
8080: 8080/8085 Emulator (from https://github.com/hotkeysoft/pfe_cpu8085)
- CPU Core, passes standard tests for documented instructions
- PET 2001 emulation
- BASIC v1/2/4
- Load/Save to cassette tape (wip, barely works with raw audio files)
- Load PRG files
- Sound
- 1 bit square wave
- Video
- 40 column models with no CRTC only
- Compatibility
- Loaded a lot of BASIC games and most seemed to work file
- VIC20 emulation
- RAM configurations: 5,8,16,24,32K
- VIC Chip
- Video (NTSC/PAL timings)
- Sound
- Load PRG files
- Load/Save to tape (barely, see PET)
- Compatibility
- Tested with multiples game cartridges, a lot of games seem to work fine
6800/6803 (wip)
- CPU Mostly complete (a few missing opcodes such as DAA)
- 6803 timers/ports/serial io not implemented
- TRS-80 MC-10 Emulation (wip)
- BASIC working
- MC6847 Video
- Only alpha4 and semigraphics4 modes implemented
- Probably wrong timings
- Sound (1 bit square wave)
- No tape support
- CPU Mostly complete (a few missing opcodes such as DAA)
- CPU Mostly complete (a few missing opcodes such as DAA)
- Thomson Computers Emulation
- Thomson MO5
- Video (custom gate array)
- Sound (1 bit square wave)
- Light pen
- Cartridges
- Tape emulation, glitchy
- Thomson TO7
- Pretty much same features implemented as MO5
- 8 KB + optional 16KB RAM extension
- Light pen not working (yet)
- Thomson MO5
- CPU Instructions mostly complete
- Next to no timings
- Very not cycle accurate
- Macintosh 128k
- Completely boots to desktop with stock ROM
- Some apps work
- A lot crash with an address error... (including MacPaint)
- Video
- Sound (PCM)
- Mouse (a bit glitchy)
- No keyboard yet
- No RTC yet
- VIA (partial)
- SCC (bare minimum for mouse support)
- 400k floppy drive emulation (internal & external)
- IWM, PWM speed control
- Loads raw image files
- Read speed probably not accurate
- No write
- CPU Instructions mostly complete
- CPU Mostly complete, passes standard test suite
- Barebones ZX80 emulation
- Barebones ZX Spectrum emulation
- Amstrad CPC Emulation
- CPC464, CPC664, CPC6128
- 64K/128K+ configurations
- Digital joystick (single)
- Video (Gate Array, 6845 CRTC)
- Graphics Modes 0-3
- Fancy stuff probably not working
- Sound (AY-3-8912)
- Three square wave voices
- Noise channel (probably not accurate nor well mixed)
- Envelope channel, wip
- Floppy emulation
- Load .DSK image files (simple images formats only)
- Tape emulation (same bad tape engine that only loads raw files)
- CPC464, CPC664, CPC6128
- Colecovision Emulation
- Load 8/16/24/32K ROM Cartridges
- Digital joystick (single) with keypad (keyboard numeric pad)
- Sound (SN76489)
- Video (TMS9918)
- Mode 1/2 (Text and multicolor modes not implemented)
- Sprites
- Compatibility
- Tested with multiples game cartridges, a lot of games seem to work fine
8086: 8086/8088/80186/80286 Emulator + IBM PC components
Most opcodes implemented + some undocumented
Timing / sync between clocked components
- No RAM wait states
- CPU is not cycle accurate but "good enough"
Partial implementation of debugger/monitor in console
Serial Mouse emulation
- Scroll-lock key to enable/disable capture
- Needs to be configurable, easies to disable capture
- Overlay status button shows capture status
- Clicking the button enables capture (use scroll-lock to disengage)
- This is a real low level emulation, not a bios thing, so you need a mouse driver
- Scroll-lock key to enable/disable capture
Floppy emulation
- Most standard image sizes auto detected (160/180/320/360/720/1.2/1.44)
- Partial command set (read/write, no format or more obscure commands)
Hard drive emulation
- Two image size supported (20M/33M)
- Recommend that two images are always loaded, otherwise boot takes ages while looking for second drive... (see if this can be fixed)
- If not using hard disks, disable controller in config file for faster boot
- Partial command set (read/write, no format or more obscure commands)
- Two image size supported (20M/33M)
IBM PC/XT (5160)
- Loads original BIOS ROM (passes POST except 301 error)
- Boots various versions of PC/MS-DOS
- Various games load from floppy & hdd
- Partial emulation of components
- Keyboard
- μPD765A Floppy drive controller
- WD1002S (or compatible rom) Hard drive controller
- 8237 DMA controller (for floppy)
- 8259 IRQ controller, no exotic modes
- 8254 Timer (clock, sound. Modes 1-4)
- 8255 Peripheral Interface
- CGA graphics
- 6845 CRT Controller
- CGA text modes
- CGA graphic modes (except 16 color composite)
- MDA graphics (Monochrome display adapter)
- HGC graphics (Hercules, 720x348 monochrome)
- EGA graphics
- Runs original IBM EGA BIOS
- EGA native modes: 320x200x16, 640x350x16
- Emulated modes (CGA/MDA) can be set in config file
- Mostly complete, need more extensive tests. Some issues:
- Glitchy scrolling in some games
- VGA graphics
- Runs original IBM VGA BIOS (post error)
- Mostly complete, need more extensive tests.
- Sound
- PC Speaker
- CMS/Game Blaster (wip)
- Disney Sound Source (wip)
- Tandy/PCjr (SN76489, see Tandy/PCjr sections)
IBM PC/AT (5170)
- Loads original BIOS ROM (passes POST, except for some config mismatches)
- Boots various versions of PC/MS-DOS
- Various games load from floppy & hdd
- Fixed ~8MHz CPU speed for now (IBM BIOS does a speed test...)
- A bit slower than fastest XT (~14MHz) so choose wisely
- Partial emulation of components
- 80286 CPU
- Real mode: mostly complete
- Protected mode: Enough to pass POST + a bit more
- 8042 Keyboard Controller
- 2nd DMA Controller (unused)
- Video: CGA/MDA/HGC/EGA/VGA (see XT section)
- Sound: PC Speaker / CMS / DSS
- No Tandy/PCjr sound on AT (port conflict)
- 80286 CPU
- Loads original BIOS ROM (passes POST)
- Shares many components w/XT (8254, 8255, 8259, fdc, speaker)
- Some cartridge games work
- Floppy loads some booter games
- Many versions of DOS give COMMAND.COM memory error, TODO
- Additional or PCjr-specific components
- 8250 UART, only for POST test at the moment
- Cartridges (no dynamic load)
- Floppy (no DMA/IRQ, watchdog)
- Keyboard (serial data stream)
- PCjr graphics
- Map B800 window in main memory
- Special modes, indexed colors
Tandy 1000
- Loads original Tandy 1000 (base model) BIOS ROM (passes POST)
- Shares components w/XT (8254, 8255, 8259, fdc, hdd, speaker)
- 360Kx2 floppy drives
- Loads MS-DOS 2.11 (Tandy version)
- Loads and runs Deskmate 1.01
- Runs many games from floppy or hard disk
- Additional Tandy 1000 components
- Base/video RAM relocation
- Keyboard (different mapping, busy flag)
- TGA graphics (mostly compatible with CGA and PCjr)
Sound module: SN76489
- PCjr, Tandy (usable in XT, but disabled)
- 3 voices + noise channel
- Mostly working
Joystick support
- Uses first connected game controller
- X-Y analog stick, A-B buttons
TMS1000: TMS1000/1100/1400/1700 Emulator (used in old electronic games)
- Simple monitor
- Simple front-end to test for the following games:
- Simon (Milton Bradley)
- Merlin / Master Merlin (Parker Brothers)
- Split Second (Parker Brothers)
- Pocket Repeat (Radio Shack)
- Emulator core is portable and used in three Arduino Atmega328p projects
- Repeat Electronic Game (Pocket Repeat ROM)
- Wizard Electronic Game (Merlin / Master Merlin ROM)
- LED Matrix Game (Pocket Repeat ROM)
Common (shared between projects)
- Config file support (config/config.ini)
- architecture, base ram, video mode, monitor, log levels
- Terminal window + Display in separate SDL window
- Snapshots of CPU+RAM+Most component states
- Exception: storage (floppy/hdd) not persisted
- Restore snapshots with different hardware configuration
- Minimally tested
- GUI Overlay
- Frame rate indicator
- Soft/hard restart (shift for hard)
- Load/eject floppies
- Swap hard drives (need reboot)
- Load/Restore snapshot
- Can browse all snapshots (shift-click restore button)
- Edit snapshot: Add description, delete
- Toggle clock speed, warp mode
- Joystick trimming/fine adjust
- Config file support (config/config.ini)
(I need to make a compatibility grid)
A lot of old XT games work fine:
- Bootable floppies
- Mostly old arcade games (Montezuma, Tapper, etc)
- DOS Games
- Most AGI/SCI Sierra games (CGA/EGA/Tandy)
- Save states are awesome for annoying "arcade" sections, quicker than F5/F7 spamming
- Space Quest I-III (100%)
- Leisure Suit Larry I-III (100%)
- King's Quest I-IV (not played through)
- Police Quest I-IV (not played through)
- Quest For Glory I-II (not played through)
- Some VGA Games booted (SQ1VGA, PQ1VGA, SQ4, LSL5, etc)
- A bit too slow on to be fun
- A lot of Apogee games
- Jerky scroll issues in Commander Keen
- Misc other games in no particular order (not thoroughly tested but seem to work fine): Another World, Prince of Persia, Ys, Monkey Island (both CGA/EGA + VGA versions), Arkanoid 1&2, Thexder 1&2, Bard's Tales 1&2, Les Manley Lost in LA/Search for the King, Eye of the Beholder, Rick Dangerous, Lemmings, Simpsons Arcade Game, Jill of the Jungle, Tunnels of Armageddon, Moon Base, SimCity (original), FlixMix, Populous, Kyrandia
- The "fanciest" games it runs on AT/286:
- Wolfenstein 3D (AT/286)
- Alone in the Dark
- Both are slow and need Adlib to be fun...
- Windows
- Windows 1&2 seem to work
- Unable to make Windows 3.0+ working at the moment
- Most AGI/SCI Sierra games (CGA/EGA/Tandy)
- Merge common code
- Started
- Document the installation, files/directories required
- Maybe make an installer for the PC emulator
- Make emulator more robust/verbose when basics things are missing (roms, directories, etc)
- PC: Fix annoying crash on soft reboot, only hard reboot works at the moment (shift-reboot in the GUI overlay)
- Split emulators in different repositories (still debating)
- Adlib... started, I hate FM sound (well, not the sound, but the understanding/coding part)
- Compatibility grid for PC games
- Screenshots and stuff
- Window scaling is... not the best. Certainly not pixel accurate. Need to take borders into account in calculations