OpenAerialMap (OAM) is a set of tools for searching, sharing, and using openly licensed satellite and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery.
Built on top of the Open Imagery Network (OIN), OAM is an open service that provides search and access to this imagery.
The all project configuration is stored in src/config
It contains the following files:
- local development configuration (not tracked by git)staging.js
- staging configurationtest.js
- test configurationproduction.js
- production configuration
By defaut the local.js
configuration is used. If it is not present, the staging.js
configuration is used instead.
To use another configuration, set the REACT_APP_OAM_ENV
environment variable to the name of the configuration file (without the .js
If some key is missing in the configuration object, it will be taken from the production.js
To manage Node and Python versions, we recommend using:
If you are using nvm, you can run nvm use
to switch to the correct Node version.
And if you are using pyenv, you can run pyenv local
to switch to the correct Python version.
The corresponding .python-version
and .nvmrc
files are included in the repository.
After nvm
and pyenv
are installed, run the following commands:
To install and use the correct Node version
nvm install
nvm use
To install and use the correct Python version
pyenv install
pyenv local
Then install the app dependencies
yarn install
Then you can run the app with:
yarn start
You should be able to see the site in your browser at `http://localhost:3000`
However, to get all functionality you will also need to point it at a running [Catalog API]( By default the endpoint of the staging instance of the API will be used, however you can change the endpoint to a locally running API in `src/config/local.js`.
### Configuration
The configuration is stored in `src/config` directory. The `local.js` file is used for local development and not tracked by git. See the [config](##config) section for more details.
## Deployment
This is a Single Page Application and needs only a web server to serve it. Therefore it can be hosted on S3 or just
as a folder under Nginx.
The backend API URI can be changed in `src/config.js`
To prepare the files:
`yarn build`
Then copy the `build/` folder to your web server or S3.
## Testing
2 distinct test suites exist.
**Unit-like tests**, under `test/specs`
These should be isolated and fast, with as much mocking/stubbing as possible, suitable for TDD. Run with:
`mocha --opts test/specs/mocha.opts test/specs` or `npm test`
**Integration tests**, under `test/integration`
These are end-to-end, cross-browser tests, that should test as much of the stack as possible. Currently they are run on Browser Stack against various browsers. They can be run locally against a Web Driver compatible browser client like [chromedriver]( or [geckodriver](
You will need a running [Catalog API](, the repo has a Dockerfile to quickly get
a local version of the API running. Then you can run tests with;
`wdio test/integration/wdio.local.conf.js`.
Note that Browserstack tests both a pinned version of the API (defined in `package.json` and the latest version of the API).
Because `wdio` wraps `mocha`, you can send `mocha` args via `wdio.default.conf.js`'s `mochaOpts` field. For instance `grep` has been added so you can isolate a single test run with:
`MOCHA_MATCH='should find imagery' wdio test/integration/wdio.local.conf.js`
## Contributing
Contributions are very welcome. Please see [](./
## License
OAM Browser is licensed under **BSD 3-Clause License**, see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more details.