This package provides a file watcher.
The current version only supports fswatch, so you'll have to install fswatch first.
# MacOS
brew install fswatch
# Linux (building from Source)
tar -xzvf fswatch-{VERSION}.tar.gz
cd fswatch-{VERSION} && ./configure && make && sudo make install && sudo ldconfig
A user who wishes to build fswatch should get a release tarball
Then, make sure you have swoole extension installed in PHP.
pecl install swoole
Finally, you may install the Swoole Watcher via Composer:
composer require huang-yi/swoole-watcher
Create your watcher script like this:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use HuangYi\Watcher\Commands\Fswatch;
use HuangYi\Watcher\Watcher;
$command = new Fswatch('/watched/path');
'--recursive' => true,
'--filter-from' => '/path/to/filter-rules-file',
$watcher = new Watcher($command);
// Registers a callback for an event.
$watcher->on(Fswatch::CREATED, function ($path) {
// do something...
// or registers a default callback for any event.
$watcher->onChange(function ($events) {
// do something...
Swoole Watcher is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.