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Trusty Tools


These tools make up part of the toolset that I find useful for everyday use.

Unixy folder

Command Description
brew-deptree Displays dependency tree for all installed packages
brew-installed-sizes List installed Homebrew formulae and their sizes
brew-requested List all requested Homebrew formulae
carc Simply and safely archive files with optional gpg encryption
clfu Displays quick-reference for the top 100 commands at
cmpdir Wrapper for rsync to compare two directory trees by checksum
decrypt Simply decrypts all sorts of gpg-encrypted files
encrypt Simply encrypts files with gpg
gh-remote-add-upstream Adds upstream of local checkout, if origin is already configured.
gh-remote-add-fork Lets you interactively select forks (or the upstream's forks) to add as remotes to your local checkout
git-list-big-objects Lists the biggest objects in a git repository
jetbrains-macros-text-keycodes Help for JetBrains IDE macros.xml editing: converts a string to type into the proper XML
ldwhich Finds location of a dynamic library by traversing the search path, for Linux, OS X, and other Unix systems.
list Simply shows/lists files with the right pager(s) depending on filename extension(s)
markhub Previews (Github-flavored) Markdown files in a web browser, using's stylesheet.
Useful for checking files, e.g. README.mkd, before pushing to github.
merge-config-history Helps you keep up with the updated default configs of new versions of apps (e.g., kitty, broot) when you've already customized your version
my-ip Uses online services to determine the public IP address
ssh-add-l Better listing of keys added to SSH agent (includes filenames)
ssh-keygen-l Better listing of private keys (includes comments)
unln Replaces a symlinked file with a copy so that it can be edited separately
untar Extracts all or specific files from within a tar archive that's possibly compressed and/or encrypted.
Files can be filtered at the command-line and/or interactively. Supports compress, gzip, bzip2, xz, gpg, pgp
vault-kv-fzf Interactive browser for viewing HashiCorp Vault KV store

Mac folder

Command Description
autoclear-clipboard Automatically clears passwords from clipboard after a brief time (because Universal Clipboard is dangerous)
bundle-id Displays the bundle ID of specific application (useful for terminal-notifier)
eject Ejects a removable disk by user-friendly volume name
get-bounds-of-mouse-display Displays the bounds of the display where the mouse is
is-app-running Checks if the given application (using macOS friendly name) is running
list-anytrans-backups Lists all the mobile device backups made by iMobie AnyTrans
list-chromium-caches Lists all the Chromium/Electron cache folders and their sizes
list-installed-electron-apps Lists which of the installed Applications run Electron
list-mobilesync-backups Lists all the mobile device backups made by macOS
list-processes Lists running processes as seen from "System Events"
list-tm-backups Lists all the Time Machine backups
mac-info Prints out one line of info about macOS software and hardware of the current machine (macOS 14.4.1 23E224 (Sonoma) MacBookPro18,2 (Apple M1 Max, arm64))
mountpoint Like on linux, checks if a file/dir is a mountpoint
port-inactive-safe-to-uninstall List inactive MacPorts package versions that have active replacements
port-pip-find-packages For the MacPorts Python interpreters, lists all the pip packages and whether they were installed via MacPorts
port-uninstall-inactive-safely Uninstalls inactive MacPorts package versions that have active replacements
quit-app Closes an application (using macOS friendly name); often works better than pkill, e.g. for Google Drive
screencap-ocr Lets you take a screenshot and puts the OCR'd text in your clipboard
show-dev-sig-of-running-apps Displays Dev Signatures of running apps
unretina Reduces the resolution of Retina screenshots to regular resolution
window-layout-save Saves the current window positions and sizes of all open applications into a new AppleScript script which can be used to restore the window positions.

Contrib folder

Other folks' scripts found here and there.

Command Description
fzf-passage Quick picker for passage
git-quote-string-multiline Helper for creating complex git aliases, in particular quoting special characters
ip2geo Given a hostname or IP address, spits out city, state, country {From}
mac-disable-automount Disables the automounting of specified volumes on macOS
mac-get-focus-mode On macOS, Outputs the current "Focus" mode
netls Graphs the number of connections for each connected remote host {From}
relink Relinks symbolic links by perl regular expression on the paths of the links' targets.
rgf ripgrep-fzf combo {From fzf}
timed-run Run the specified program for a specified maximum number of seconds {By Expect's Don Libes}
timed-read Reads a line of input, but times out after the specified number of seconds {By Expect's Don Libes}
timed-choice Prompts user with several choices, but times out with a default after the specified number of seconds {By Eugene Spafford}
mailtrim Trim a standard Unix mbox file to the most recent specified number of messages {By Michael Soulier}
restore-modified-date Restores the modified date of subdirectories from backup
wp Quickly queries Wikipedia (over DNS!) {From}
wrap-in-pty Wrap a command invocation in PTY (so that the command doesn't act any differently than in an interactive terminal)


Set of my trusty tools, useful for everyday use. More to come over time...







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