Video Edge-AI Proxy ingests multiple RTSP camera streams and provides a common interface for conducting AI operations on or near the Edge.
video-edge-ai-proxy is an easy to use collection mechanism from multiple cameras onto a single more powerful computer.
For example, a network of CCTV RTSP enabled cameras can be accessed through a simple GRPC interface, where Machine Learning algorithms can do various Computer Vision tasks. Furthermore, interesting footage can be annotated, selectively streamed and stored through a simple API for later analysis, computer vision tasks in the cloud or enriching the Machine Learning training samples.
You can find more extensive documentation here
Read specific configuration options here
By default video-edge-ai-proxy requires these ports:
- 8905 for web portal
- 8909 for RESTful API (portal API)
- 50001 for client grpc connection
- 6379 for redis
Make sure before your run it that these ports are available.
curl -O
# Give exec permission
chmod 777
# run installation script
Start the docker images:
docker-compose up
# or to run it in daemon mode:
docker-compose up -d
Open browser and visit chrysalisportal
at address: http://localhost:8905
For installation outside of WSL 2 on Windows please check manuall installation steps here
You can follow the installation process:
curl -O
chmod 777
And restart (navigate to folder where your docker-compose.yml is):
sudo docker-compose restart
Open your browser and go to: http://localhost:8905
On the first visit Edge Proxy will display a RTSP docker container icon. Click on it. This will initiate the pull for the latest version of the docker container pre-compiled to be used with RTSP enabled cameras.
Connecting RTSP camera
- Click:
Connect RTSP Camera
in thechrysalisportal
and name the camera (e.g.test
) - Insert full RTSP link (if credentials are required then add them to the link)
Example RTSP url: rtsp://admin:12345@
where admin is username and 12345 is the password.
Example RTSP url: rtsp://
when no credentials required and non-default port.
Click on the newly created connection and check the output and error log. Expected state is running
and output Started python rtsp process...
We're ready to consume frames from RTSP camera. Check the /examples
Create conda environment:
conda env create -f examples/environment.yml
Activate environment:
conda activate chrysedgeexamples
cd examples
Generate python grpc stubs:
make examples
List all stream processes:
python --list
Successful output example:
name: "test"
status: "running"
pid: 18109
running: true
Output single streaming frame information from test
python --device test
Successful output example:
is keyframe: False
frame type: P
frame shape: dim {
size: 480
name: "0"
dim {
size: 640
name: "1"
dim {
size: 3
name: "2"
- is_keyframe (True/False)
- frame type: (I,P,B)
- frame shape: image dimensions (always in BGR24 format). In this example:
480x640x3 bgr24
Display video at original frame rate for test
python --device test
Display only Keyframes for test
python --device test --keyframe
Asynchronous annotation from the edge.
python --device test --type thisistest
Storage example turn Chrysalis Cloud storage on or off for the current live stream from the cameras.
Run example to turn storage on for camera test
python --device test --on true
Run example to turn storage off for camera test
python --device test --on false
Prerequsite to have an in-memory queue is to setup buffer -> in_memory
value in conf.yaml
of your custom config.
This setting stores compressed video stream in memory and enables you to query the complete queue or portion of it. It also allows you to query the same queue (timestamp_from
and timestamp_to
) from parallel subprocess (check examples/
for an example).
Wait for X amount of time for in-memory queue to fill up then run (for added camera named test
python --device test
This example shows gow to query local system time and retrieve information about the incoming video for specific camera/device.
Run example to probe a video stream (for added camera named test
python --device tet
Modify folders accordingly for Mac OS X and Windows
Create conf.yaml
file in /data/chrysalis
folder. The configuration file is automatically picked up if it exists otherwise system fallbacks to it's default configuration.
version: 0.0.1
title: Chrysalis Video Edge Proxy
description: Chrysalis Video Edge Proxy Service for Computer Vision
mode: release # "debug": or "release"
connection: "redis:6379"
database: 0
password: ""
endpoint: ""
unacked_limit: 1000
poll_duration_ms: 300
max_batch_size: 299
in_memory: 1 # number of images to store in memory buffer (1 = default)
in_memory_scale: "iw:ih" # scaling of the images. Examples: 400:-1 (keeps aspect radio with width 400), 400:300, iw/3:ih/3, ...)
on_disk: false # store key-frame separated mp4 file segments to disk
on_disk_folder: /data/chrysalis/archive # can be any custom folder you'd like to store video segments to
on_disk_clean_older_than: "5m" # remove older mp4 segments than 5m
mode: release
: disables debug mode for http server (default: release)redis -> connection
: redis host with port (default: "redis:6379")redis -> database
: 0 - 15. 0 is redis default database. (default: 0)redis -> password
: optional redis password (default: "")api -> endpoint
: chrysalis API location for remote signaling such as enable/disable storage (default: -> endpoint
: Crysalis Cloud annotation endpoint (default: -> unacked limit
: maximum number of unacknowledged annotatoons (default: 299)annotation -> poll_duration_ms
: poll every x miliseconds for batching purposes (default: 300ms)annotation -> max_match_size
: maximum number of annotation per batch size (default: 299)buffer -> in_memory
: number of decoded frames to store in memory per camera (default: 1)buffer -> in_memory_scale
: rescaling decoded images in memory buffer (default:-1:-1
). Check FFmpeg Scalingon_disk
: true/false, store key-frame chunked mp4 files to disk (default: false)on_disk_folder
: path to the folder where segments will be storedon_disk_clean_older_than
: remove mp4 segments older than (default: 5m)
creates mp4 segments in format: "current_timestamp in ms"_"duration_in_ms".mp4
. For example: 1600685088000_2000.mp4
If running on Mac OS X modify on_disk_folder
to your custom one.
If running on Windows 10 modify on_disk_folder
by prefixing /C/
. Example:
on_disk_folder: /C/Users/user/chrys-video-egde-proxy/videos
git clone
video-edge-ai-proxy stores running processes (1 for each connected camera) into a local datastore hosted on your file system. By default the folder path used is:
- /data/chrysalis
Create the folder if it doesn't exist and make sure it's writtable by docker process.
In case you cloned this repository you can run docker-compose with build command.
Start video-edge-ai-proxy
with local build:
docker-compose build
- Finish documentation
- Configuration (custom configuration)
- Set enable/disabled flag for storage
- Add API key to Chrysalis Cloud for enable/disable storage
- Add configuration for in memory buffer pool of decoded image so they can be queried in the past
- Configuration and a cron job to store mp4 segments (1 per key-frame) from cameras and a cron job to clean old mp4 segments (rotating file buffer)
- Add gRPC API to query in-memory buffer of images
- Remote access Security (grpc TLS Client Authentication)
- Remote access Security (TLS Client Authentication for web interface)
- add RTMP container support (mutliple streams, same treatment as RTSP cams)
- add v4l2 container support (e.g. Jetson Nano, Raspberry Pi?)
- Initial web screen to pull images (RTSP, RTMP, V4l2)
- Benchmark NVDEC,NVENC, VAAPI hardware decoders
Please read
for details on our code of conduct, and the process of submitting pull requests to us.
Current version is initial release - v0.0.8 prerelease
- Igor Rendulic - Initial work - Chrysalis Cloud
This project is licensed under Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE
for details.