This repo contains code that is relevant for the analysis (Mapping, BAM qc, Variant Calling, Filtering etc...) of IGSR data
The International Genome Sample Resource (IGSR) is a project funded by the Wellcome Trust created after the finalization of the 1000 Genomes Project in order to maintain and expand the resource. It has the following aims:
- Ensure the future access to and usability of the 1000 Genomes reference data
- Incorporate additional published genomic data on the 1000 Genomes samples
- Expand the data collection to include new populations not represented in the 1000 Genomes Project
This repository contains code used in the different analyses pipelines that we use in the project. To use this code please follow the steps described below
Modify your $PYTHONPATH to include the required libraries:
export PYTHONPATH=${ehive_dir}/wrappers/python3/:$PYTHONPATH
Modify your $PERL5LIB to include the required libraries:
export PERL5LIB=${ehive_dir}/modules/:${igsr_analysis_dir}/:${PERL5LIB}
Modify your $PATH to include the location of the eHive scripts:
export PATH=${ehive_dir}/scripts/:${PATH}
pip install igsr_analysis
And you are ready to go!
is the folder where you have cloned
is the folder where you have cloned