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What is My Book Library

My Book Library, a near zero-config app that helps you list and download your ePub book collection. It displays information extracted from your books' meta data such as cover art, title, and the author.

How do I run My Book Library

You can run My Book Library with minimal configuration using Docker.


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Getting Started

  1. Copy the docker-compose.yml from the root directory of this repository.
  2. Books access
    • Ensure this line points to the location of your ePubs on your host machine: - ./books:/app/storage/app/public/books

Optional Steps

  1. Set the environment variables HOST_UID and HOST_GID to match your current user.
  2. Logs access
    • If you wish to access logs from the host, update the host mapping for logs: - ./logs:/app/storage/logs
    • Otherwise, you may remove this line: - ./logs:/app/storage/logs
  3. Port mapping
    • If you wish to change your host port, update - "3000:3000" to use your preferred host port.

The end result may look something like:

    image: improper/my-book-library:latest
    container_name: my-book-library
    restart: unless-stopped
    # user: "${HOST_UID}:${HOST_GID}" # Match to your user
      - "3000:3000"
    #  - ./logs:/app/storage/logs
      - ./books:/app/storage/app/public/books

Start the service

With those few adjustments, launch the service with docker-compose up -d. Your app will be available at or the port that you specified.

Can I load my books onto my e-reader?


Yes, some versions of Kobo have an internet browser that will enable you to download your owned ebooks to your device.

  1. From your Kobo device navigate to More > Beta Features
  2. In the Web Browser section, tap "Start"
  3. Visit the URL of your app using your LAN IP (commonly http://192.168.1.{?}:3000). You'll need to determine your LAN IP.
  4. Tap "Get" to download the book to your Kobo.

[!TIP] Tap the ... icon to set My Book Library website as your Kobo browser homepage.

Kindle & other devices

Please feel free to try a process similar to the Kobo and report your findings here.


A web app for accessing your ePub library







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