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Consulta esta wiki para saber más sobre AZUL Webservices.


  1. Instala pypi.
  2. $ pip install pyazul


from pyazul import AzulAPI

def sample_sale():
    auth1 = 'testcert2' # primer auth factor (se obtiene de Azul)
    auth2 = 'testcert2' # segundo auth factor (se obtiene de Azul)
    certificate_path = 'certificate.pem'
    environment = 'prod' # defaults 'dev'
    pyazul = AzulAPI(auth1, auth2, certificate_path)
    params = {
        "Channel": "EC",
        "Store": "37094649930",
        "CardNumber": "",
        "Expiration": "",
        "CVC": "",
        "PosInputMode": "E-Commerce",
        "Amount": "12",
        "CurrencyPosCode": "$",
        "RNN": "null",
        "CustomerServicePhone": "809-111-2222",
        "OrderNumber": "SO039-2",
        "ECommerceUrl": "",
        "CustomOrderId": "53",
        "DataVaultToken": "74EAA676-FB9A-49E3-82CD-485DF85ECB61",
        "ForceNo3DS": "1",
        "SaveToDataVault": "0"
    response = pyazul.sale_transaction(params)


from pyazul import AzulAPI

def sample_void():
    auth1 = 'testcert2' # primer auth factor (se obtiene de Azul)
    auth2 = 'testcert2' # segundo auth factor (se obtiene de Azul)
    certificate_path = 'certificate.pem'
    environment = 'prod' # defaults 'dev'
    pyazul = AzulAPI(auth1, auth2, certificate_path)
    params = {
	    "AzulOrderId": 27917,
    response = pyazul.void_transaction(params)


from pyazul import AzulAPI

def sample_refund():
    auth1 = 'testcert2' # primer auth factor (se obtiene de Azul)
    auth2 = 'testcert2' # segundo auth factor (se obtiene de Azul)
    certificate_path = 'certificate.pem'
    environment = 'prod' # defaults 'dev'
    pyazul = AzulAPI(auth1, auth2, certificate_path)
    params = {
    response = pyazul.refund_transaction(params)

Async support

Pyazul tambien es compatible con operaciones asíncronas de la siguiente manera:

import asyncio
# Import the Async module
from pyazul import AzulAPIAsync

# Make sure your function is async
async def sample_sale():
    auth1 = 'testcert2' # primer auth factor (se obtiene de Azul)
    auth2 = 'testcert2' # segundo auth factor (se obtiene de Azul)
    certificate_path = 'certificate.pem'
    environment = 'prod' # defaults 'dev'
    pyazul = AzulAPIAsync(auth1, auth2, certificate_path)
    params = {
        "Channel": "EC",
        "Store": "37094649930",
        "CardNumber": "",
        "Expiration": "",
        "CVC": "",
        "PosInputMode": "E-Commerce",
        "Amount": "12",
        "CurrencyPosCode": "$",
        "RNN": "null",
        "CustomerServicePhone": "809-111-2222",
        "OrderNumber": "SO039-2",
        "ECommerceUrl": "",
        "CustomOrderId": "53",
        "DataVaultToken": "74EAA676-FB9A-49E3-82CD-485DF85ECB61",
        "ForceNo3DS": "1",
        "SaveToDataVault": "0"
    response = await pyazul.sale_transaction(params)

# Test with asynccio
if __name__ == "__main__":

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