Releases: ioBroker/ioBroker.repochecker
Releases · ioBroker/ioBroker.repochecker
Release v3.5.4
- (mcm1957) Ignore boolean paramters when checking protectedNative/encryptedNative. [#395]
Release v3.5.3
- (mcm1957) Crash has been fixed if protectedNative/encryptedNative is not an array. [#385]
Release v3.5.2
Release v3.5.1
- (mcm1957) Crash if protectedNative or encryptedNative is missing. [#382]
Release v3.5.0
- (mcm1957) Fixed dependency warning ([W174]) has been reduces to suggestion. [#374]
- (mcm1957) Some changes to jsonConfig check have been implemented.
- (mcm1957) common.supportCustoms check has been added. [#379]
- (mcm1957) Check that key listed at encryptedNative or protectedNative is listed at native too. [#218]
- (mcm1957) Check that key listed at encryptedNative is listed at protectedNative too. [#342]
- (mcm1957) Check that extension adapters require web adapter. [#311]
- (mcm1957) List of suspicious keys to protect has been extended. [#358]
- (mcm1957) checking of 'admin' globalDependency has been added.
- (mcm1957) checking of 'publishConfig.registry' has been added.
- (mcm1957) New commandline option --noinfo added.
- (mcm1957) Logging has been adapted.
Release v3.4.4
- (mcm1957) Some external attributes added to valid package.json attributes.
Release v3.4.3
- (mcm1957) Some external attributes added to valid package.json attributes.
Release v3.4.2
- (mcm1957) 'type' and 'types' added to valid package.json attributes.
Release v3.4.1
- (mcm1957) Add 'publishConfig' to valid package.json attributes.
Release v3.4.0
- (mcm1957) Do not suggest to migrate to adapter-dev if only gulpfile.js exists. (#334).
- (mcm1957) Warn if onlyWWW adapter uses adapter-core (#251).
- (mcm1957) Singleton checks have been reduced to suggestion level.
- (mcm1957) Adapter-core 3.2. required now.
- (mcm1957) Blacklists for peerDependencies and optionalDependencies have been added (#364).
- (mcm1957) Suggestings for typical devDependencies have been added (#344).
- (mcm1957) Checking of package dependencies has been enhanced.
- (mcm1957) Allow legacy-testing instead of testing.
- (mcm1957) Warn if axios is listed as devDependency (#314).
- (mcm1957) Adapt common.materialize deprecation message (#315).
- (mcm1957) Log an error if dependency is listed multiple times (#316).
- (mcm1957) Check package.json for invalid attributes.
- (mcm1957) Fix duplicated warning E432 and E434.
- (mcm1957) Adapt copyright year advisory.